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My Very First Dog(s):



  • Well.. It wouldn't be criticism about how I work with the dog.. He doesn't DARE go there, because that is the only subject I will stand up for myself in. It would be other things.. Like "Why weren't you paying attention when the trainer did such and such?" The reason for that would be the trainer was working with an individual class member on say, their dog's aggression towards the others, and was none of my business. Or.. "What a waste of money this is, we all know you won't stick with it." I have little tolerance for that sort of thing. I've spent a little time looking methods over.. But Pookie I think Pookie needs the socialization, to get used of listening to the commands in loud places, other dog smells, etc. Because I know her, and she would make a fool of me in the ring. She would be that dog running out of the ring, hopping gates, and truthfully? Acting like the tough guy. I'm very determined on this though.. So I may make my mom talk him into driving me.<br><br>Haha, this is such a hijack. You need to make a "Talk to Zyn" thread!
  • I understand completely. Noone says anything bad about the way I train, that wouldn't be smart. That's another good solution though. The less that you have to put up with the better, so you can focus on your dog. Its good that you're determined, thats important. I really hope youre successful. I'm pretty confident you will be. xD The first step is always this, figuring things out, so don't worry. : ) <br><br>Its not a hijack if I encourage the conversation! I'm pretty sure this is on topic anyway. Were still talking about first dogs. xD If I made a thread like that it would seem very... conceited. xD
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • Haha, thank you. That makes me feel.. Hopeful? Agility is literally in my day dreams. O.o I'm working on the Novice level obedience behaviors by myself.. And learned one thing. To get Pookie really trying to work for me, please me, I need to be -really- ecstatic. She's so independent. We're heeling right now.. <span style="font-size:50">My New Year's Resolution involves training Pookie.. Can ya tell?</span><br><br>Pfft, well it could be more discreet than "Talk to Zyn". That title also has a little.. "And how does that make you <span style="font-style:italic">feel?</span>" Sort of air about it. XD With you, all you need to do is post something.. And Poof! It turns into an awesome conversation!
  • I post things that I think will be popular, usually it works. Gotta keep the forums interesting. : D<br><br>My rat terrier was the same way. He would not perform unless I showed great enthusiasm when he accomplished something. If he did one simple thing right he expected a parade. When we started he didn't even know the SIT command. -_- Now hes got six trophies and its just the beginning of his career. So, I have no doubt that you can do it. Pook looks like the perfect agility dog anyway. She looks fast and agile, and her expression just shows the want to please. It was my dream to own and compete Schutzhund and Weight Pulling dogs since I was six. Its now my reality. Living the dream I am. xD After my dream came true another dream came up, event in ALL sports. This dream im still working on, but dang it im close! If I can do this you can definitely do agility. Make sure the very first time you compete its all recorded. There's nothing like the feeling of getting into that ring with your dog, knowing that youre about to do something you always wanted. The first time I ever seriously competed and won, I cried. :p Now its all just apart of my life. Ooohh I cant wait till you experience this and I have someone to talk about this with!! xD
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • edited January 2012
    Zyndalee wrote:
    It was my dream to own and compete Schutzhund and Weight Pulling dogs since I was six. Its now my reality. Living the dream I am. xD After my dream came true another dream came up, event in ALL sports. This dream im still working on, but dang it im close! I
    <br><br>Sister?<br><br><br>Just a tip from a better dog trainer ;) FrostBight, with agility when you go into the ring for the first time, don't focus on getting it right that time, focus on getting it right down the road because the agility ring is much different from the practice ring. If in practice she is missing contacts then you train it out, don't be surprised if she misses them again but you need to make sure that she knows the same rules apply in the ring as in practice. It takes a billion times longer to fix a problem she is having for a while then to fix a problem that just started.
  • Wow. Captain obvious. ^^<br><br>Hah!
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • Hey! I wish someone had told me that before I went into the ring!
  • Ahaha, I only learned of contacts.. A year ago? I was watching The Purine Incredible Dog Challenge (I find that name pretty dumb..) And the announcer was like "Oohh and she missed the teeter contact!" I was like, "What the flip is a contact?" Now I know, though. XD <br><br>And Zyn, we got into the class. XD Now I'm nervous! Pookie is.. Unpredictable with other dogs. XD
  • Woo hoo! Don't worry, she'll get used to it after a few classes. Just bring a ton of treats. Take the amount of treats you think you will need, and double it. xD If she really gets into it she wont even notice other dogs anymore and will focus solely on training/getting into the ring. You could do some socializing before you get there too. With some of your friend's dogs maybe? Or your local dog park, even if that's more of a risk, the little dog section should be fine though. If you aren't a fan of dog parks just taking her for walks in public areas could do, get her used to the hustle and bustle of people and being in a crowded place. There's tons of socialization oppurtunitys! Just take her, and take treats, and you should be fine. Unless she's one of those incredibly vicious, hard to train type of dogs. O.o But I personally doubt that. xD
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • Haha, we walk Pookie daily (even in the snow.. *Sigh*) so she gets tons of socialization then, most everybody on my street has a dog. O.o It's just that as a puppy, literally the first day she was mine, we took her for a walk and the neighbor's dog broke free of his electric fence and came growling towards her. Which shocked me because that dog is the sweetest. I think it traumatized her, though. She's always on guard by that house. I'm going to teach her "Look" as well, so I can get her attention if needed. Haha, I'll just break out the chicken. XD I swear, this dog will do anything for chicken.
  • When Laru was six months a Pitbull came running down our street after her, just as we were about to reach home. The dog chased her, and I ran after then, yelling for her to turn around and come back to me.. so I could protect her. She listened and came back, but was almost caught before she reached me, and instead turned around to fight. It was her first. She was defending herself well. O.o All I saw was a Pit mix of atleast 80 pounds, under a puppy weighing around 50. I scooped her up and turned away from the Pit, who jumped and bit my back, thigh, and upper arm, trying to get LaLa. I wasnt able to hit him, before I dropped her, but a guy came outside and helped me, absolutely pummeling the dog and forcing him away. Eventually a cop showed up and shot the dog, who was trying to run home, which actually pissed me off. I had to get sixteen stitches in all. And now I have scars to add to my: MADE BY A DOG, collection. xD That incident made Laru extremely dog aggressive though, and on guard for six months. So I understand. "Look at me" is a command I use maybe, fifty times a day. Very important. Its fantastic that you know exactly what your dog likes, and will train for. I know what each of my dogs favorite things are. Which include, Ravioli, Tomatoes, yogurt, raw meat, and chex mix. xD Shows that you have a good bond. Which will serve you well in agility. You're getting closer already! xD
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • Zyndalee wrote:
    Which include, Ravioli, Tomatoes, yogurt, raw meat, and chex mix. xD Shows that you have a good bond. Which will serve you well in agility. You're getting closer already! xD
    <br><br>I hate Chex mix... I was training my dads sisters friends dog and that dog wouldn't do squat for anything but roast beef. Emme likes to tug!
  • Yeah. Champagne has had this weird craving for honey flavored chex mix since she got pregnant, and even after she had her litter. None of my dogs will accept play as a reward. They know they can get play at any time, but food is special. Lards!
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • Well.. Actually, her true love is spaghetti.. But I think chicken is easier to give to her and probably a little healthier. Chicken was her first love, spaghetti was recently.<br><br>She learned "Look", but now I'm trying to apply it in different situations, it's hard! I never realized how often she just sits there and stares at me. Telling her to look at me when she already is isn't very effective. XD I think I taught her it while she was sitting, though.. Because now when I say, "Pookie, Look!" She whirls around and looks at me, then sits. Bonus!
  • When I was around six months old, my family decided that I needed a dog. They ended up getting two puppies at the same time. They were supposedly chow/german shepherd mixes. I don't remember Sammy at all but from the only picture I have of him, he looks like a tri colored border collie. I guess they got rid of him after a year or two. We kept Tammy until she died at the age of 16. She was fluffy black and white. Looked like a smaller version of a Newfie. <br>She was a brilliant dog! She ended up having several litters of puppies before she got spayed and I was always allowed to keep one of the pups. Butterscotch was from her first litter. He died when he was around 10 months old from parvo. I then kept Dutchess from her second litter. Both were sired by the neighbor's harlequin great dane. <br><br>Tammy was the perfect dog. If you picture a good old farm dog, she's who you think of. She'd follow you where ever you'd go. She was right on your heels. She died in her sleep on the porch one night. She lived a good, long life.
  • @Frosty- Yay! That's what shes supposed to do! Give you her FULL attention, even if it means sitting down so that shes not doing anything. On walks, Bravo used to associate the word heel with sit, since I usually did them one right after the other. So when id tell him to heel he'd sit down completely. Which was ok because it meant he would stop pulling, but it got us point deductions in obedience comp. Apparently hes only allowed to slow down on the heel command, not sit down. -_- Keep up the good work!<br><br>@Zag- I got my first dog at that age to. So many of my old dogs have gone like that, in their sleep.. no warning, nothing. I used to hate it, but I guess its a blessing considering how many dogs leave this world much more tragically. Its great that you guys took such great care of her for her to live so long. The oldest dog I've owned was nineteen when he died, three months till he reached twenty. We were supposed to have celebrated our birthdays together. Tammy sounds amazing, thanks for posting. : )
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • I felt obligated to post a picture. It's the only one I could find on my computer and before good, quality digital photography. Plus, she was old and didn't want to be bothered with getting her picture taken.<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... ses027.jpg</a>
  • She definitely doesn't look like how I thought she would. O.o Very unique.<br><br>I also have only one picture of my first dog. Shes dressed up in valentines day stuff, I was five when i dressed her in that pic. xD I don't even remember it. Now a days I take TONS of pictures of my dogs, and when one of them passes they go into this huge photo album I have. I'm never going to have no memories of my past dogs again. -_-
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • I have more pictures but they're hard copies and I haven't scanned them into my computer. I only have two pictures of my dog Dutchess. They are both newborn litter pictures. I wish I had some photos of her as an adult. She was fawn merle with a white patch on the top of her neck. My aunt kept her brother and he died last year. Dutchess was a typical farm dog.... the neighbor shot her. :(
  • the neighbor shot her. :(
    <br><br>Oh my goodness! Did you go to jail? .. for shooting back.<br><br><br><br>Other then play Emme loves roast xD like the big ones you cook all day long. And we used to have a French Bulldog that LOVED skittles 8D although he didn't get them to often because they are bad for dogs I do believe. Dad spoils Bam Bam so he likes candy -.- yes like mini candy bars and M-n-M's. You can't open anything that sounds like a candy bar without him coming running, if we are in the car and he is asleep he will wake up at the sound. Beamer will eat anything, and I mean anything, he begs when we gather the veggies for our guinea pig's food. Zoe like just plain dog treats, leftover meat and such, she isn't picky. Kayrageous is CRAZY for kibble. I have no idea why but she works like a maniac for it!
  • edited January 2012
    I have more pictures but they're hard copies and I haven't scanned them into my computer. I only have two pictures of my dog Dutchess. They are both newborn litter pictures. I wish I had some photos of her as an adult. She was fawn merle with a white patch on the top of her neck. My aunt kept her brother and he died last year. Dutchess was a typical farm dog.... the neighbor shot her. :(
    <br><br>That's outrageous. Could you do anything about it? I would have had the urge to let Rage rip him apart if that idiot shot one of my dogs. Someone did shoot my horse though. -_- Idiots, all of them. I was attacked my a bully mix, and he was shot right in front of me. It actually made me mad.
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • As much as I hated him, it was our fault as well. The dogs just ran loose on our property. Bear (a friends dog) and Dutchess were chasing their cattle. Bear came home with bullet wounds and Dutchess never came home. He'd warned us before to tie them up or he would shoot them. Then the next day Bear didn't come home either. I was really young so I had no say so over the entire situation.<br><br>That situation would never have now. I'm way too protective over my dogs. They are never unsupervised. Ever.
  • edited January 2012
    I see. My dogs run loose to guard the land, but the entire area is fenced and covered in BEWARE OF THE BULLIES or Dog WILL Bite signs. Someone once tried to throw meat over my fence and poison them, but they don't touch food without my permission, and sat there staring/begging me for the meat instead of actually eating it. Its so cruel and ridiculous what people do though. I once saw a guy hack a Pitbull with an axe because it chased his cat at a public park, and he wanted revenge. People capable of doing stuff like this need to be mentally checked out. I understand that he warned you guys, but those dogs were family members, he knew that and was still able to shoot. Not like they actually killed anything, right? O.o He could've called Animal Control instead. Eh. :/ Probably just wanted an excuse to kill something, and say "I told you I would do it." -_-
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • We've had alot of dogs, But MY first dog was King.<br><br>King was a Pure-bred German Shepherd. He was rescued from a man that would beat him and starve him. King was in a add in the paper when I was younger and my mom wanted to go look at him, So we all went to look at him. It was love at first sight for me, He was 2 and I was in 3rd grade. Just moved to a new school and needed that new best friend, And boy was he it. He Went anywhere in the house with me, If i went outside without him he waited for me by the door. Me and that dog were inseperable. King was amazing. When we got to the place he lived she brought him out and he was nervous. I would have been too. It took him a while to get used to my mom and everyone else but it seemed like me and him had a connection or somthing. He came up to me and when mom said she'd have to think about it i BEGGED her for him. He walked up to me and i hugged him. And that was it. My mom got him for me. He lived with us for a good 4 years before he was put down for being too agressive. He didnt like strangers at all. He was super protective over me, He didnt like ANYONE touching me. He was always there for me. If i woke up in the middle of the night cause of a bad dream he would come up to my bed and let me pet him. If i got up and got a drink he'd follow me. I loved that dog. And he loved me. R.I.P. King <3 <br><br>I'll post pics tomarrow(:
    My real life horse! (:
  • Missy, that's exactly how my first Tosa, Bully was. I constantly had to keep him calm when people came close to me, no matter how much aggression training I did he kept that over protective personality. Now a days when Laru tries to act like that I snap her out of it. No way am I losing her because of her protectiveness. He sounds like a great friend. Ive always loved GSDs.
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • He was a great friend to me, I love them also, we have a GSD husky cross, Well thats what we think he is anyways, and heres King. <br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>And our husky GSD cross.<br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>;
    My real life horse! (:
  • He was a great friend to me, I love them also, we have a GSD husky cross, Well thats what we think he is anyways, and heres King. <br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>And our husky GSD cross.<br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>;
    <br>Their gorgeous!!
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • He was a great friend to me, I love them also, we have a GSD husky cross, Well thats what we think he is anyways, and heres King. <br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>And our husky GSD cross.<br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>;
    <br><br>King is beautiful, such a sweet face, he doesn't look the least bit aggressive to me, but that's how dogs are. My dogs have such cute, wrinkly faces.. everyone wants to pet them and think they're so cute.. until they start snarling. The looks that dogs give their people are special though, no one else gets that look. My fried has a GSD/Husky cross, your dog and his dog look completely different. o.o
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • King is the love of my life haha he never looked mean but he could be. and were just guessing that thats what zeke is. Were not like 100% sure.
    My real life horse! (:
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