I love Justin Beiber. Now I'm not Justin Beiber crazy, I do own a bookbag and a t-shirt. I like his documentary/movie. His music is not really what I listen to, I mainly listen to Adele. His music is for like pre-teens. But when he gets older, almost like a grown up Usher and Justin Timberlake his music will probably center around my age group.He will have to show people he is not a kid anymore when he gets to "growing up". Though I do love him better now that he has his haircut. And I do know him and Selena are splitting up so... just wait till the tabloids come.
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What are you guys crazy? The Beibs is awesome. I always have this discussion at work, and especially with the Beyonce pregnancy thing.
<br><br><span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#800000">On the other hand, we could call YOU crazy, Dise. It's all about opinion, likes and dislikes. A question was asked, we're answering it honestly. ;D</span></span>
I have never listened to his music, and never will, so my opinion was pretty much eh... until he decided to auction off a baby boa he used as a fashion accessory. I'm sorry, but most spoiled tweenage fangirls who would be willing to pay a bunch of money for something that kid owned have no business with a snake that can grow to 10 feet, will eventually need to eat very large rats or small rabbits, and can be extremely dangerous and aggressive if not raised correctly. It's an animal that needs specialized care, and could seriously injure/kill someone if not handled properly. That ticked me off. Oh, and he tried to cover Pantera (refused to listen to it) which makes me want to vomit. Somehow, I find trying to cover the music of bands with dead members very disrespectful, and when you know that nobody will take it seriously it just makes it worse. All in all, my opinion on him at this point is that he's a prick and really doesn't deserve to be famous, and a VERY bad example to his fans.
<br><br><br>LOL me too!<br><br>but, I LOVE Justin Bieber (& I am almost [Edited]), I don't really care about what other people have to say about celebrities because not all of it is true & they are human beings like us too.<br>My boyfriend actually got me JB perfume & his Christmas album for Christmas...that perfume smells delicious. <br>I don't understand why people have so much hatred for him he HAS talent...how about hating on some no lifes with NO talent...like the Jersey Shore cast. (;
I respect him as a human and I think its not fair to him that his voice was changing and everyone was making fun of him for that but thats as far as I go. I dont like his music or anything tho.
I would never judge someone by the way they sing, or whether I like their singing or not. That's just incredibly rude. Does that mean I like his singing? Nooo. He's made some interesting choices, I must say. His singing, I'm not fond of. Him as a person, I don't know much about, so usually I don't say much. But, I wouldn't judge someone by the sound of their voice. Maybe if I knew more about him. I'm not really interested in spending my days researching about some teen, pop music artist to find out more about him. I also know there are plently of lies out there, about every famous figure, really.<br><br>So, I agree with Myst, I sposse.
I dont really like his music not my type at all not into the whole pop craze, more of a rock chick myself. I dont know much of him as a person, but on music I definatly say that I dont like him, if people have him on in the room I just have to walk out (but im like that with most popular music) so nothing against him as a person but his singing is not good.<br><br>Also the memes of him are pretty funny
<br><br><span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#800000">Haha they are funny. <br>Who wouldn't like Dinosaurs?<br><br>I was referring to JB when I was miming.</span></span>
I've never been a fan of music that sounded like it was being sung by a very repititive 13 year old girl that lacks the ability to make decent lyrics. -.-<br><br>That being said: No, I don't like Justin Beiber's MUSIC. But when it comes to him as a person, i'm indifferent. I can't <span style="font-weight:bold">dislike</span> him when I don't know him personally. I <span style="font-weight:bold">can</span> change the station when his music comes on the radio though.
I've never been a fan of music that sounded like it was being sung by a very repititive 13 year old girl that lacks the ability to make decent lyrics. -.-<br><br>That being said: No, I don't like Justin Beiber's MUSIC. But when it comes to him as a person, i'm indifferent. I can't <span style="font-weight:bold">dislike</span> him when I don't know him personally. I <span style="font-weight:bold">can</span> change the station when his music comes on the radio though.
<br><br><br>Hehe, but you <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="text-decoration:underline">DO</span></span> like mems right!?!?
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I'm A Proud Directioner, Are You?
Go One Direction!
Go Directioners!
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First 10x4 Australian Silky Terriers
My Kennel
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Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
My Kennel
First 8x4's Belgian Laekenois
First 9x4's Belgian Shepards
First 10x4 Australian Silky Terriers
Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
My Kennel
First 8x4's Belgian Laekenois
First 9x4's Belgian Shepards
First 10x4 Australian Silky Terriers