I was thinking about doing this for the general public and since the skill and stat maxx with aggro price for me is 120K i would be charging at least 500K as it takes forever to do takes like 1hour compared to 5mins
Its taking more then an hour and will on others dogs beacuse there's not always enough events to complete the dog true maybe I should have them pay after for how high the dog get so like 200k or something to start with then when I'm done have them pay for how far the dog got
This does take a while.. Especially if the owner wants the dog ONLY evented in a certain event. Then, god knows how long it will take. It is a tedious method, reason of which I do not do it. Yet not only has showing picked up.. Getting dogs on the list has picked up. This is in demand, and therefore I agree with Patty on this one, anywhere from 1-3 mill would be reasonable.
The only other concern I have is, if you enter four of my dogs into an event and I also enter four of my dogs into the same event, would it be considered eight of my dogs? If so we could not do it. <br><br>Maybe a game mod can answer this for me?
That's what I was thinking too. And with it being as that, I guess it would not work cause I already enter all the events that I would want the dog in.
The only other concern I have is, if you enter four of my dogs into an event and I also enter four of my dogs into the same event, would it be considered eight of my dogs? If so we could not do it. <br><br>Maybe a game mod can answer this for me?
<br>You can only enter 4 of your dogs total. Any dogs you lease to others for eventing are still counted as part of that 4.
I have done this before a couple times for a person when I had my training kennel and I charged them 400k-600k It takes time and work so I would say maybe even more depending on how long they want and everything because not only are they paying for training but also for eventing their dog.
Ya I'm not sure what to offer yet and I'm hoping to have my training kennel soon so I can do so I can do some examples and then maybe I'll auction it off and see what I can get lol
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