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Missy Mae (Ravenn) Might be getting bred?!(:

So if i pass this school year, Not only will i get somthing i've always wanted, I'll also get to breed my horse! Im so excited! I've been looking at studs non-stop and found a few. Raven is a kentucky mountain saddle horse, So she can be bred to a Rocky mountian or a Kentucky Mountian, So far i've found these boys.<br>(Shes in my banner) Can post a pic if someone would like to see her. <br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; (Choco-Lot) (The Snow Man) OR (See ya at the top)<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; - IF he is availbal i would love to breed to him <br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; (Covenant) OR (Cherokee Dream Catcher)<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>;( Really like The last one)
My real life horse! (:


  • They all look okay. Foals are definitally fun. Good luck with whichever you choose!
  • Thanks, Im thinking between The Snow Man and Cherokee Dream Catcher
    My real life horse! (:
  • Are you planning on a creme gene foal? If so id like to point out that as a black she would probably produce a smoaky black foal and it wouldnt look any different. Also id chose Cherokee Dream Catcher over the Snowman. His topline looks extremely weak which means he'll probably go swayback with age
  • Are you planning on a creme gene foal? If so id like to point out that as a black she would probably produce a smoaky black foal and it wouldnt look any different. Also id chose Cherokee Dream Catcher over the Snowman. His topline looks extremely weak which means he'll probably go swayback with age
    <br>Im leaning more towards Cherokee Dream Catcher, And im not really to much about color. I know shes been bred before and has had Chestnuts and blacks.
    My real life horse! (:
  • I like this one <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; But as Vamp said it will probally look like the mama<br><br>But he is very gorgeous! <br>So is Dream Catcher
  • I was just stating. I actually quite like the look of the second stallion personally. Of course none of the pictures on any of the stallions are actual conformation pictures. But he looks sturdier than the others to me.
  • Yeah, <br>Heres a somewhat confy pic of raven <br>(Ignore the white spot the camera left on her hip) <br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>And, I love Flash. I think hes super pretty.
    My real life horse! (:
  • She's got short pasturns. As a gaiter you want long pasturns. Thats whats the shock absorber in the horse. I like her bone structure a LOT though. She's got a REALLY steep shoulder. She needs some more muscle too but she overall is really well put together. REALLY big fan of her head and neck.
  • Yeah shes only 14.2hh i think.. maybe 14.1hh. Lol. These are from a while back, i could try to find more recent where shes cleaner.<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>Our horse show, Excuse my face and me haha, I was trying to talk to like 3 diffrent people and my mom decided to take a pic right at that time.
    My real life horse! (:
  • While you're looking at studs, take Raven's conformation into high consideration.<br><br>From what you've posted (even if older, her bone structure in general shouldn't have changed too much), she has the steep shoulder and extremely short pasterns that Vampy mentioned. I looked through the studs, but I can't remember what belongs to who at the moment, as I'm on my iPod, lol. But, you need to look for a stud with the ideal pastern length (a bit longer since we're talking gaited and not stock), and a well sloped shoulder. I might look for one with better conformed hind legs. Raven's seem a bit posty, so you'll want to look for a stud with "correct" legs.<br><br>I would also look for some more stallions with more colour variations, as it seems that every stud you've posted/named is carrying a cream gene.. I'm not sure if you're breeding for "flashy"/"rare" colour or not, but it just seems like the colour has that "wow factor" since just about all the studs are as such. Not trying to offend/accuse/etc, just making an observation.
  • haha! Its alright. Like i said, i really like the mare, but make sure you pick a guy who is going to carry on something worthwhile to your mare. With my mare Rosie, i pla on breding her in the future but i know i need a male with long cannon bones and a strong topline as those are what Rosie lacks.
  • Not really loong for color, Just looking around at studs and those are who i've found so far, You guys are more than welcome to help look if you get bored and want too. Im not saying those are the only studs i want to breed too i still have a while before i have to pick one. The latest were breeing her is September so i can get a august baby.
    My real life horse! (:
  • What are your plans for the baby?
  • We'll probaly keep it for a while and maybe get it trained then sell it. We have 3 horses already and dont even need all 3 of them since me and my mom are the only 2 that ride.
    My real life horse! (:
  • Truthfully, if you only plan to breed, train and then sell, I would suggest just picking up a 2 or 3 year old from auction or such and doing so. It'll be much less expensive, not to mention the risk that your mare could die during the pregnancy.<br><br>Also, if you already have more horses than you need, why do you even feel the need to breed (especially when the population is already sky high and the economy is crap [if you're in US])?
  • We'll be keeping the foal for a few years, I'll probaly show it in some shows, Then eventually sell it. Were doing that to help with money for college. Were probaly selling one of our horses sonner or later, She was origanally bought to be sold as a 2 1/2 year old and now shes 3 1/2 and trained. She should be getting sold soon. If mom desides too, If not shes a back up show horse for me while raven is pregnant. We have an extera horse for my sister (she doesnt live with us) but sometimes she likes coming over to ride so she'll usually ride raven and i'll ride ruby and mom will ride belle. its just how it normally works. And we might not even sell the foal we might keep it, It just depends on what happens.
    My real life horse! (:
  • I agree with Vamp. If you just want to have a foal there are amazing foals going for CHEAP at the sales. Registered show foals. I watched one a guy tried to GIVE me once. Wish i couldve taken the poor baby. Is having a foal for the sake of having a foal worth our mares life? Plus foal care is EXPENSIVE. 2k approximately. My friend got a pepto smart daughter, long yearling red roan for 1200 at a sale earlier this year. Unless your breeding for a purpose all your really doing is adding more horses to the mix and risking your foal. <br><br>Disclaimer, im notsaying dont do it. Im just saying make sure to look at everything. I personally bred a non registered mare myself a few years ago. I plan on keeping and breaking the foal while i couldve gone and gotten one from a sale but i wanted a foal that was specific of what i was breeding and he's exactally what i got.
  • I like the eyes on Flash.
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  • edited January 2012
    Raven is Registered, So im not breeding a non registered horse, The foal will be able to be double Registered as a Kentucky and Rocky mountain. I would buy a foal but gaited horses arnt common around here and alot of people seem intrested it them, All thats around my area are Quarter horses, Paints, and Arabs. Nothing really unique. Like A gaited horse, Alot of people i talk to that know about horses have never heard of ravens breed. Im not saying i have a problem with non gaited im just saying that there worth some money around here.<br><br>me too i love flash's eyes.
    My real life horse! (:
  • Thruthfully, unless you have your own land and train yourself (in a good market), breeding another horse is going to do the opposite of helping with money. It's going to suck up a huge amount to breed your mare, get her the correct prenatal care, get her checked by the vet frequently throughout her pregnancy, foal her, and through all of that, hope that everything goes perfect and that you don't lose her.<br><br>If you have your own land an train on your own, go get a $25 3yr old from auction, retrain, put up for sale in the spring, and hope he/she sells before winter if you're looking to turn a profit from flipping horses. If the Market around you is awesome (or at least like it use to be) you could probably get away with a profit if you board, but it won't be very much.<br><br>It's truthfully better to just get an average job and put that money towards college, because flipping horses (even when done correctly) is an iffy deal. You could make $10k on one horse that you put 3 months training and a few shows into, but you could also lose thousands on a horse that ends up not being worth what you thought it would be and have it only sell for a couple hundred, when you spent thousands on it.
  • I did not realize that he was not registered. I just viewed the pictures lolz
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  • Im getting a job. <br>Let me make this clear, Im not breeding just to sell the foal, Like i said its not a 100% thing i'll even sell the foal, we might end up keeping it, Because i want a foal out of raven, for myself. And shes already gonna be 15 this year, even if i dont breed her now, I'll eventually breed her to keep a foal for myself, I know breeding horses is risky, I've read about it, I understand she could die from foaling. But Im willing to take the risk sooner or later to get a foal out of her. And i relize its expensive. We have our own land, We dont have land to train a horse, I wouldnt train the horse myself, I'd have the trainer we've used for Ruby and Belle train the foal. Shes a really good trainer. I would more than likely keep the foal and if mom wanted to sell it and i had enough money i would probaly buy it off of my mom. I want this foal to stay here, But since im not an adult yet or on my own my mom has the say over it, So if she says i HAVE to sell it then i have to sell it. I'd rather breed her to keep the foal.
    My real life horse! (:
  • I did not realize that he was not registered. I just viewed the pictures lolz
    <br>Flash? I belive he is registered.
    My real life horse! (:
  • How recently was she bred?<br><br>I, personally, wouldn't breed a horse 15+ for the fact that it raises the risk factor considerably more than if the mare were 7 or so.
  • She hasnt been bred for a while. And thats why i'd like to get a foal out of her now. So i can Hopefully keep it for myself.
    My real life horse! (:
  • Wha are the plans for the foal for when you go off to college? Ive been saving for two years to be able to take my colt with me through boarding AND im having to leave my mares here with my family until i graduate. Are you gonna keep your mare and the foal at your mothers house hoping she doesnt sell them when your gone? Boarding is VERY expensive.
  • I'll probaly leave the foal and take raven with, Just because i hate being away from her, My mom has already told me that she wouldnt sell my horse when i went to college because as soon as im 18 then raven is mine, and i get to do what i want with her.
    My real life horse! (:
  • Raven is Registered, So im not breeding a non registered horse, The foal will be able to be double Registered as a Kentucky and Rocky mountain. I would buy a foal but gaited horses arnt common around here and alot of people seem intrested it them, All thats around my area are Quarter horses, Paints, and Arabs. Nothing really unique. Like A gaited horse, Alot of people i talk to that know about horses have never heard of ravens breed. Im not saying i have a problem with non gaited im just saying that there worth some money around here.<br><br>me too i love flash's eyes.
    <br><br>I thought the first part was for me.... I did not see the second part. Sorry for the confusion.<br>I had a Tennessee Walker with that color blue eye and a brown eye.
    If you like my avatar or graphics that you have seen by me, check out this link
  • Raven is Registered, So im not breeding a non registered horse, The foal will be able to be double Registered as a Kentucky and Rocky mountain. I would buy a foal but gaited horses arnt common around here and alot of people seem intrested it them, All thats around my area are Quarter horses, Paints, and Arabs. Nothing really unique. Like A gaited horse, Alot of people i talk to that know about horses have never heard of ravens breed. Im not saying i have a problem with non gaited im just saying that there worth some money around here.<br><br>me too i love flash's eyes.
    <br><br>I thought the first part was for me.... I did not see the second part. Sorry for the confusion.<br>I had a Tennessee Walker with that color blue eye and a brown eye.
    <br>Hahah its fine, And thats awesome i love when there eyes are like that
    My real life horse! (:
  • Me too. I like dogs with those type eyes as well. I want to find a Pitbull or Lab with blue eyes. They are my top two favorite breeds.
    If you like my avatar or graphics that you have seen by me, check out this link
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