<span style="font-weight:bold">Okay so today I had a lesson on my horse,so we walk trot canter but she doesn't know one of her leads and since she was a racehorse she is only used to the side that she used to run on oh her name is (Fendi)Okay so we try beading her neck to the rail so it makes her want to pick up the right lead that doesn't work then we try circle and that doesn't work and then we try just do it without anything and just normal that doesn't work .So my trainer comes over and starts yelling at my horse and yanking on her mouth and (she was a racehorse and they did that when she was bad at the track) so we got the right lead and then Fendi decides that she is a racehorse and starts GALLOPING around the ring(we are inside-ring)I was so an angry,wouldn't you!!??I was watching my friend ride her horse in the lesson and we have the same trainer and she took a lunge whip and smacked the horse in the <span style="font-size:50">butt</span> And that horse took off,so now I am looking at new barns and this one barn we really want to go to is full so we are on a waiting list! Any tips on how to get her on the right lead? I feel better now! </span>
My real life horse! (:
My real life horse! (:
My real life horse! (:
My real life horse! (:
My real life horse! (:
My real life horse! (: