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edited January 2012 in Giveaways, Etc.
okay so as most of you know ive been off vp for a while so now i thout i'd do this...<br><br><br>so if you want a graphic then fill out the forum, i dont have any examples because i got a new computer but i made mine soo...<br><br><br>
size: <br>how many pics: <br>pics of what?:  <br>background (pattern, Pic, solid, or other): <br>text:  <br>text size:  <br>font style (dont pick a specific font because i probably dont have it): <br>text color: <br>Background color: <br>other: <br>
<br><br><br><br><span style="font-size:85">also if anyone can pm me about making layouts because my tiny brain forgot how....</span>


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