Ugh >.< I bought a warranty on my boots when I bought them. Well we took them to get replaced today because they have a hole in them. Well they tell me to call this number, so I call the number and they tell me to go online and register my product because they can't find it. Well you'd think they'd have told me to register the product when I bought it, but no they didn't. Well I go online and I get to this model number page. Well I don't know the model number, and the company no longer makes these boots so I can't get the model number so I was like fine I'll just type N/A in that box and let them deal with it. So then I get taken to this page and I press submit and I get this error message and then taken back to this other page, and now it can't find the damn product because yeah >.> So I email the company and explain this and they tell me to help me I need to register my product, I was like wait what. And I'm just so fusterated because no one can just tell me what to do I just get sent back and forth, and argh >.< I don't often get this flustered dealing with people, but gosh I'm just ready to drive to the damn headquarters and smack them for not telling me to register the product when I bought it. And that they need to give me a new pair of boots before it snows. Or they can sniff my boots, and they smell quite lovely... <br><br>Anyways yeah >.>