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SO flipping annoyed!

edited December 2011 in Vent
Alrighty, there's these people that live down the road, and they own a yellow Lab, and 3 Pugs. These people are so irresponsible with their dogs, and I'm sick of it! They let their dogs run outside, off a leash, and they run in the middle of the road (high traffic area). The first time that we nearly hit the dogs after they ran right in front of my car, we talked to the wife. My mom said to her (in a nice way) "I don't know if you realize it or not, but we almost hit your dogs because they were in the road", the woman replied "Oh...that's ok" o.o That's right, you read correctly! She doesn't care if her dogs get hit, yet she "loves them oh so very much" >.> It happened once again this morning (third time), so this time, the Animal Control officer is having us fill out a complaint form, and he's taking her to court about it...again. He's had to take her THREE times before for the same issue!


  • Wow... that's pathetic. Poor doggies. She should have her dogs taken away. I would take the pugs! I love pugs! XD
  • I agree. The Animal Control officer said that if she doesn't pay the fine that the judge will more than likely charge her with, then the dogs will be taken away. So, I'm reeeeally hoping that she doesn't pay it. They are such sweet dogs, they deserve better, any dog would deserve better.
  • Aww. You should take the lab! ;)
  • Oh I wish,lol I could "accidently" have it follow me
  • Yeah, I know a girl who basically abuses her dogs and horse and I purposely have them "follow" me home sometimes and give them food and water and take care of them. ;P<br><br>This just bugs me, like a time our car overheated on our way to get it fixed so we stopped at a dirt road and a GORGEOUS female black lab (you could tell by her looks she was intelligent and meant well) ran out and the owner came over and said sorry and I told her it was fine and everything, then she went and got a leash, the dog was REALLY hyper and jumping all around, when the lady left I had the dog calmed down in NO time but when she came back out the poor girl started squirming again. Then she BEAT the poor thing and took it inside. I wanna go back and ask her how much she wants for the dog.
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Yea, we have a dude that doesn't feed his dogs here too. Or did. The dogs would always run from his house, to ours and I'd feed them because they were clearly hungry. He got so mad that they kept running away, that he put them both to sleep O.O They're better off that way though unfortunately. Atleast they don't have to starve now.<br><br>Oh man that owner ought to be beaten! People that do that end up getting bitten from the dog retaliating and blame it on the dog after, from what I've seen and heard >.<
  • Yea, we have a dude that doesn't feed his dogs here too. Or did. The dogs would always run from his house, to ours and I'd feed them because they were clearly hungry. He got so mad that they kept running away, that he put them both to sleep O.O They're better off that way though unfortunately. Atleast they don't have to starve now.<br><br>Oh man that owner ought to be beaten! People that do that end up getting bitten from the dog retaliating and blame it on the dog after, from what I've seen and heard >.<
    <br>Awh, thats so sad! D; But they probably are better off now.<br>Yeah, its soo annoying! I just wanna do all that stuff to her that she did to that precious dog.
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Mhm, it was very sad. When he was alive, Dusty was so used to the dogs coming over, that the first day that they didn't he cried all day =(<br><br>Yea, I hear ya, I get that feeling a lot when I watch that Animal Cops show on Animal Planet.
  • Aww =(<br>Yeah.
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • <br>Yea, I hear ya, I get that feeling a lot when I watch that Animal Cops show on Animal Planet.
    <br><br><br>i watch that too some sad cases
  • Yea, it can be very sad =/ I'm not the type of person to cry a lot, but I find myself sometimes crying when I watch that show, it's just heart wrenching.
  • Wow, that really upsets me. If people aren't going to care for the dog, why do they get it? My mom and I saw this wicked skinny dog on our neighbors lawn once. You could easily see all of it's ribs, and it had a limp. We called them about it, offering to take it if it was just a stray lingering or they couldn't care for it anymore, and they didn't respond, but we haven't seen the dog since.. O.O <br><br>Animal Cops doesn't make me cry too much.. But those commercials! Oh my god.
  • Those dang commercials always make me cry. I mean look at that poor little face. how can you Not donate.Ive donated 15 times :P
  • Wow, that really upsets me. If people aren't going to care for the dog, why do they get it? My mom and I saw this wicked skinny dog on our neighbors lawn once. You could easily see all of it's ribs, and it had a limp. We called them about it, offering to take it if it was just a stray lingering or they couldn't care for it anymore, and they didn't respond, but we haven't seen the dog since.. O.O <br><br>
    <br><br>That's the body condition that we got my dog Jacoby in =( It was nice of you to offer to take the poor dog, I hope it ended up in some better place. <br><br><br>And yea those commercials are horrible >.< So, so sad
  • wetnose101 wrote:
    Those dang commercials always make me cry. I mean look at that poor little face. how can you Not donate.Ive donated 15 times :P
    <br>I agree! Thats awesome wetnose (:
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • LOL i cant stand that face!
  • wetnose101 wrote:
    Those dang commercials always make me cry. I mean look at that poor little face. how can you Not donate.Ive donated 15 times :P
    <br>I agree! Thats awesome wetnose (:
    <br><br><br>I somewhat have to disagree, if the money was donated to HSUS.... they really don't do crap for animals. Those sad commercials are where most of their budget goes. If you want to do something to help animals it's better to give to your local shelter. Most smaller local shelters are strapped for cash and end up doing about 1000% more for animals then the bigger organizations do.
  • its so bad that the woman doesnt care for her dogs, I mean we live on a busy road and we used to let our dog out in the back garden which is blocked in and he managed to escape multiple times, but we always tried to watch him in the garden cause we didnt want him to escape. But it seems like shes just letting the dogs out on purpose not caring if they die or not. Definitely should have them dogs taken off her. <br><br>And the state where you can see skin and bones is how we got one of our cats :( shes run away to a new home now, she was a stray to begin with, so we didn't keep her inside just let her eat and sleep and stuff but she came everynight. We see her around occasionally so we know shes doing ok but shes a right fatty since we took her in :D
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • Yea that's exactly what she does. Just lets them out to run around wherever they want to go. One time, we asked her why she doesn't put them on a chain, or a leash, and she said "Oh, those cost too much" Um...last time I checked, you could buy a leash at the dollar store >.> If it's too expensive to buy that, I'd love to know how she affords the food and everything else.<br><br>Aw I'm glad that cat is healthier now =)
  • Yea we took care of the cat for like 5years and shes been gone around 3years. We are sure that the people who owned her previously moved house and left her behind :( <br><br>And that woman is stupid, it would be expensive for a leash if you where to buy it from a pet store specifically but we had like 3 decent leashes when we had 1dog lol
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • Aw how could somebody leave an animal behind? Thats just horrible!<br><br>Exactly! I bought a really nice braided nylon leash for only $8 from Wal Mart. There's just no excuse (in my opinion) for having a dog run at large, unless it's truly a mistake. We used to own a German Shepherd/ Husky mix, and a Schipperkee (probably spelled that wrong,lol) and they got loose a couple of times, but atleast we made the effort to catch them. She doesn't. She''l literally just stand there and watch them play in the road >.<
  • horrible woman. thats just aweful. We have a canal at the end of the road and a little further down theres a farm and one of our escapee border collie cross whippet dogs decided to run down to the farm and he did this like 3 times and each time the man at the farm we called him "Mr Goatman" and i think that was mainly cause he owned goats and he always brought our dog back on a piece of rope cause he didnt have dogs.......... so there really is no excuse for not having a leash since if he can bring a dog on a piece of rope anyone can have a leash
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • so there really is no excuse for not having a leash since if he can bring a dog on a piece of rope anyone can have a leash
    <br><br>*nods* Very true!
  • Yea that's exactly what she does. Just lets them out to run around wherever they want to go. One time, we asked her why she doesn't put them on a chain, or a leash, and she said "Oh, those cost too much" Um...<span style="font-weight:bold">last time I checked, you could buy a leash at the dollar store </span>>.> If it's too expensive to buy that, I'd love to know how she affords the food and everything else.<br><br>Aw I'm glad that cat is healthier now =)
    <br>Yep, we kept getting like $10-$15 collars for my old dog and she broke ALL of them within a matter or a week or a little more. None of them lasted a month. Then we got a $1 collar and she never got loose, for like a year atleast that collar was good. XP
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Yea that's exactly what she does. Just lets them out to run around wherever they want to go. One time, we asked her why she doesn't put them on a chain, or a leash, and she said "Oh, those cost too much" Um...<span style="font-weight:bold">last time I checked, you could buy a leash at the dollar store </span>>.> If it's too expensive to buy that, I'd love to know how she affords the food and everything else.<br><br>Aw I'm glad that cat is healthier now =)
    <br>Yep, we kept getting like $10-$15 collars for my old dog and she broke ALL of them within a matter or a week or a little more. None of them lasted a month. Then we got a $1 collar and she never got loose, for like a year atleast that collar was good. XP
    <br><br><br>sometimes its usually the cheaper collars that are the best
  • Yea that's exactly what she does. Just lets them out to run around wherever they want to go. One time, we asked her why she doesn't put them on a chain, or a leash, and she said "Oh, those cost too much" Um...<span style="font-weight:bold">last time I checked, you could buy a leash at the dollar store </span>>.> If it's too expensive to buy that, I'd love to know how she affords the food and everything else.<br><br>Aw I'm glad that cat is healthier now =)
    <br>Yep, we kept getting like $10-$15 collars for my old dog and she broke ALL of them within a matter or a week or a little more. None of them lasted a month. Then we got a $1 collar and she never got loose, for like a year atleast that collar was good. XP
    <br>Lucky about the cheaper collar,lol I tried doing that with Dusty and he broke three of the cheaper collars, I ended up having to buy a $25 collar. The cheap leashes always lasted quite a while though :)
  • Pook has been through.. 4 collars. I broke her first one, as it was impossible to get on. Her second one would unbuckle if she pulled hard enough, her third, just got shabby, but it still works fine. I won't say anything about her current collar, because if I do, it'll probably break tomorrow. -_- All cheapies, I think the most we spent is 3 dollars.
  • Were they the type with the plastic snap buckle things? I don't know if it's just my dogs, but those seem to wear out quick.
  • Yeah, all of them were. I've picked out a few buckle collars, but my mom refuses to use them because we take off her collar at night, and apparently they're a pain to get on in the morning. I think since bigger dogs are stronger, they do need the stronger collar. Pook is just a 15 pound snack.
  • Pook is just a 15 pound snack.
    <br>lmao Nicely put
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