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Hardier Than I Thought.

edited December 2011 in Vent
<span style="color:#FF0080"><span style="font-size:150">Greatest News Ever!</span></span><br><span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#0080BF">So' One Innocent Day,I'm Watching Adorable Videos Of Pomeranian Puppies On A Site.And My Mom Walks In And We Watch Like For An Hour And Then We Start Researching About Them.</span></span><br><span style="color:#FF0080">So My Mom Says' "If you could find one under $200 I'll buy it".<br>So' I Said "These dogs usually cost more."<br>So' She Says "Yes but i'm only spending $200 on you this Christmas."</span><br><span style="color:#0080BF">My Dad Didn't Really Care At First,But Once I Asked Them Too' Take Me The Pound,And Started Looking Up Puppies Near My Area,That is When He Started asking my mom if she was serious about this. </span><br><span style="color:#FF0080"><span style="font-size:85">She'd Just Laugh And Nod</span></span><br>Soo' I Contacted 2 People.<br><span style="color:#FF0080">1 Said They Lived In Where I Was And The Puppies Were $200.After A While They Said $295.And They Said They Lived In Another State.Thanks For Wasting My Time Stranger.Hahaha`..</span><br><span style="font-size:50">-__________-</span><br>The Other Won't Answer Me.<br>I Found Another Just Now With The Cutest Puppy Ever.But The Price $375. :cry: <br><span style="color:#0080BF">Its Harder Than I Thought Finding A Puppy</span><br><span style="color:#FF0080">As For Tomorrow ,I Am Going Too' Puppy-Proof My Home.Yay! :lol: </span>


  • Be very careful looking for a puppy that inexpensive... Good breeding is expensive to do, which is why most breeders charge such high prices. They can charge $1000 per pup and still lose money. You might be able to find an ok pup from an accidental litter, or a shelter dog for that price. However, if someone says they are a professional breeder and they're only charging $200 for pups than chances are the dogs they breed have had almost no vet care. Those type of people are breeding irresponsibly for profit, and really are no better than puppy mills. There's a pretty high chance that the pups could have health problems or defects... without the proper screenings there are many possible genetic problems dogs can have.<br><br>Also, if you do find a puppy it'd probably be better to wait until after the holidays to bring it home, when things won't be so busy and there won't be as many dangerous things for it to get into.
  • <span style="color:#FF0080">Thanks:]</span><br><br><span style="color:#0080BF">I Will Check For Any Irresponsible Breeders.One I Contacted Just Now,Seems Good.I Asked Them If They Mind Lowering The Price.But I Doubt They Would Do That.x(</span><br><br><span style="color:#FF0080">We Are Getting The Puppy After Christmas And Maybe Before Or After New Years Depending If We Can Find One.</span><br><br><span style="color:#FF0080">I'm Soo' Excited!Now,I Know I Won't Sleep.x)</span>
  • Aw! Poms are pretty cute. Have you ever seen Boo? He's adorable. Anyways, for one that cheap, I would make sure it's healthy, and up-to-date on every thing. You have to be careful with inexpensive animals, because they could be low for the reason of it being unhealthy, etc. Good luck! PM me, I can message you some good pet-finding websites, since we aren't aloud to list websites out side of the game. XD
  • You should try . Thats where I found two of my border collie pups that were rescues. It's really a great site with a lot of listing. Plus you might be apple to find a healthier cheaper dog on there then from a breeder. Plus most breeders who sell for $200 or less are mostly BYBs or puppy mills. Craig's List would be one more place to find a dog that needs to be rehomed. All in all you will be very lucky to find a Pom that is a) not going to die before one (trust me I have delt with puppy mill pups that weren't even born in the puppy mill but never made it even after the best vet care there is.) b) a puppy c) available for sale still. For some odd reason people get it in their brains that dogs are like sweaters and one fits all as long as the wearer likes the style. THEY ARE NOT! If anything, you could wait until about a month after the holiday and then get the poor dog that some idiot "threw away".
  • Shelter puppies are fun =). My Riley was from the shelter. She was $145 from there and we got some free toys and towel (for her to sit on our laps on the drive home). She is very smart and has been one of the easiest dog for me to train. It will be hard finding a purebred $200 or under. I'd keep a look out for shelter puppies. How exciting for you! =)
  • Emmezone- that's exactly where I always look. It's great. :)

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  • Why I would not immediately say "Don't buy one online" I would suggest asking to see medical testing of the parents and, if possible, to also meet the parents in their home to see temperaments and the quality of living the dogs have. If you are looking for a breeder, that's the way to go. Shelter dogs are a good call too, though you don't know a whole lot about them before making a purchase, but they tend to be cheaper. Make sure they have shot records either way if they're old enough for vaccinations, and if you can, have whoever you're adopting from sign something saying that the dog is up to date on shots and completely healthy. When we adopted my puppy from a shelter they told us she'd been dewormed three weeks prior. The next day we had to rush her to the vet because she had nasty, wormy poop. Turns out she had five types of internal parasite they weren't going to tell us about, and then refused to reimburse us for the $50 vet bill because they didn't -sign- anything saying she was healthy.
  • I didn't read through everyone's post.<br>So, I don't know if any of this was said, but, #1 rule: DON'T BUY ONLINE....unless the breeder is local and/or has references.<br>By an odd chance that I thought wouldn't happen in a million years, my ex boyfriend worked with a guy who knew a woman breeding English Bulldogs.<br>We met her and was there through the whole process of birthing/raising the puppies, she wanted everyone hands on with their puppies, AND she was local. <br>My Bulldog was 1,500$...although poms are not as expensive I wouldn't see a REPUTABLE breeder selling them for 200$. <br><br>You can always look through classifieds in your towns newspaper, usually people have dogs that they can no longer keep and are willing to give them free to good homes (I would still recommend visiting the home/dog before taking home/purchasing).<br>Another place you should check is vet clinics, usually they have puppies dumped onto them, when I lived in Alabama our vets office always had poms and shih tzu pups for adoption because they where rescues or dumped.
  • Also, don't be so quick to jump the gun on getting a pet.<br>I waited a year before I got my dream dog (my bulldog), I would wait a month or so before officially deciding - this could be a heat of the moment kind of thing that your mom and you are having.<br>What if you guys decide the puppy is too much too take care of and you don't have time? <br>Pets aren't toys, they are living, breathing creatures. (:
  • Do you know what to look for in a good breeder? I'd recommend looking up a list, but off the top of my head<br><br><span style="color:#00FF00">A good breeder:</span><br> <br><ul class="bb-list-unordered">Will want you to ask them questions, and come to meet them and their dogs<br>Will have the parents of the litter on the premises for you to meet/inspect <br>Will have a 3-4 generation (at least) pedigree available for you to inspect<br>Will be able to provide medical test and vaccine records for all their dogs on request<br>Will have the proper genetic tests done, plus have their dogs hips/elbows/anything else the dog is prone to having problems with checked and certified<br>Will NOT breed dogs that have health problems/genetic disorders/major faults or conformation problems<br>Will put time and thought into their pairings, if asked why they chose to breed one dog to another they will be able to explain their reasoning<br>Will give the mother dog all necessary vet care and will be able to show you vet records proving it on request <br>Will have puppies that look strong clean and healthy, and are parasite + infection free<br>Will NOT have multiple litters at the same time, and won't breed more than 2-3 at most litters from a female<br>Will wait till their dogs are old enough to breed<br>Will raise their dogs indoors with the family, and properly socialize/individualize the pups while they are under their care<br>Will not say a dog is "show quality" they will say it has show potential, because it's impossible to be 100% sure with a puppy<br>Will sell on contract, with all non show/breeding contracts requiring spay/neuter<br>Will want to keep in touch with you to check on how the dog is doing<br>Normally will show their breeding stock and won't use animals in their breeding program who don't do well (exceptions being dogs breed in working lines, etc.)<br>Normally won't breed mixes (exceptions being breeders working on developing a newer breed, or outbreeding for a specific trait ex. naturally docked tails)<br>Normally will be a member of a breed club or registry such as the AKC<br>May (read: should) ask you to notify them of cause of death for their records<br>Should offer a health guarantee and ask you to take the puppy to you vet asap<br>Should ask you to come pick up your puppy in person<br>Should NOT sell a puppy under 8 weeks EVER, and preferably will keep them till 10-12 weeks<br> <br></ul><br><br><br><span style="color:#FF0000">A bad breeder (usually)</span><br><ul class="bb-list-unordered">Will not want you to visit their property or see their dogs, may not be able to answer your questions<br>Will not have the parents of the litter on the premises<br>Will not have a pedigree available<br>Will not have vet records for their dogs, usually because the dogs haven't had much to any vet care, or will have records that don't seem right (i.e. cross-outs, whiteouts, the wrong name <br>Will not have had proper testing done on their dogs<br>Will breed dogs with health issues/conformation problems<br>Will breed any male with any female without any thought to how the pups will turn out<br>Won't have given the pregnant mother the proper vet care <br>Will have puppies that don't quite look healthy, are underweight, have parasites, diarrhea, eye/nose discharge<br>May have many litters at a time<br>Will breed their dogs as soon as it is physically possible<br>Will keep their dogs in a garage, a kennel "out back", an unclean room away from the family, etc.<br>Will not properly socialize/individualize the puppies<br>Will say the puppy is show quality then try to charge you and extra couple $100, even if it looks exactly the same as the others<br>Won't have a contract specifying what may/may not be done with the dog<br>Will probably never try to contact you again, won't bother asking for your contact info.<br>Won't bother showing their breeding stock<br>Will indiscriminatly breed mixes, calls them "designer" or talks about "hybrid vigor" constantly <br>Normally won't be a member of any sort of breed club or registry<br>Won't offer any type of health guarantee<br>Will offer to ship your puppy or meet you half way so you never get a chance to see the environment the pups were raised in<br>Will sell a puppy as soon as they possibly can, even if it's illegal<br></ul><br><br>I feel like I'm still missing some things, if anyone has something to add. <br><br>Also, have you had any experience with a Pomeranian? My mothers bf had one (they had to put her down last year, she was going deaf and it lead to her being hit by a car - she had a bad habit of laying under cars. She was aprox. 15) and they aren't the easiest of dogs to care for. They have pretty high grooming needs unless you keep them in a puppy cut, and they aren't the best as far a heat tolerance goes. They tend to be a one person dog, and they can be territorial and nippy. They aren't a good dog to have around small children as they can be a bit fragile. They can have problems with their kneecaps moving out of place, their airways are prone to collapse, and they also tend to have a condition similar to hotspots... their hair falls out and kinda doesn't grow back, and the skin thickens and darkens. From personal experience they seem to become overweight pretty easily if they don't get enough exercise.<br><br>Cookies and +1 for reading long post o.0
  • Trianna wrote:
    Do you know what to look for in a good breeder? I'd recommend looking up a list, but off the top of my head<br><br><span style="color:#00FF00">A good breeder:</span><br> <br><ul class="bb-list-unordered">Will want you to ask them questions, and come to meet them and their dogs<br>Will have the parents of the litter on the premises for you to meet/inspect <br>Will have a 3-4 generation (at least) pedigree available for you to inspect<br>Will be able to provide medical test and vaccine records for all their dogs on request<br>Will have the proper genetic tests done, plus have their dogs hips/elbows/anything else the dog is prone to having problems with checked and certified<br>Will NOT breed dogs that have health problems/genetic disorders/major faults or conformation problems<br>Will put time and thought into their pairings, if asked why they chose to breed one dog to another they will be able to explain their reasoning<br>Will give the mother dog all necessary vet care and will be able to show you vet records proving it on request <br>Will have puppies that look strong clean and healthy, and are parasite + infection free<br>Will NOT have multiple litters at the same time, and won't breed more than 2-3 at most litters from a female<br>Will wait till their dogs are old enough to breed<br>Will raise their dogs indoors with the family, and properly socialize/individualize the pups while they are under their care<br>Will not say a dog is "show quality" they will say it has show potential, because it's impossible to be 100% sure with a puppy<br>Will sell on contract, with all non show/breeding contracts requiring spay/neuter<br>Will want to keep in touch with you to check on how the dog is doing<br>Normally will show their breeding stock and won't use animals in their breeding program who don't do well (exceptions being dogs breed in working lines, etc.)<br>Normally won't breed mixes (exceptions being breeders working on developing a newer breed, or outbreeding for a specific trait ex. naturally docked tails)<br>Normally will be a member of a breed club or registry such as the AKC<br>May (read: should) ask you to notify them of cause of death for their records<br>Should offer a health guarantee and ask you to take the puppy to you vet asap<br>Should ask you to come pick up your puppy in person<br>Should NOT sell a puppy under 8 weeks EVER, and preferably will keep them till 10-12 weeks<br> <br></ul><br><br><br><span style="color:#FF0000">A bad breeder (usually)</span><br><ul class="bb-list-unordered">Will not want you to visit their property or see their dogs, may not be able to answer your questions<br>Will not have the parents of the litter on the premises<br>Will not have a pedigree available<br>Will not have vet records for their dogs, usually because the dogs haven't had much to any vet care, or will have records that don't seem right (i.e. cross-outs, whiteouts, the wrong name <br>Will not have had proper testing done on their dogs<br>Will breed dogs with health issues/conformation problems<br>Will breed any male with any female without any thought to how the pups will turn out<br>Won't have given the pregnant mother the proper vet care <br>Will have puppies that don't quite look healthy, are underweight, have parasites, diarrhea, eye/nose discharge<br>May have many litters at a time<br>Will breed their dogs as soon as it is physically possible<br>Will keep their dogs in a garage, a kennel "out back", an unclean room away from the family, etc.<br>Will not properly socialize/individualize the puppies<br>Will say the puppy is show quality then try to charge you and extra couple $100, even if it looks exactly the same as the others<br>Won't have a contract specifying what may/may not be done with the dog<br>Will probably never try to contact you again, won't bother asking for your contact info.<br>Won't bother showing their breeding stock<br>Will indiscriminatly breed mixes, calls them "designer" or talks about "hybrid vigor" constantly <br>Normally won't be a member of any sort of breed club or registry<br>Won't offer any type of health guarantee<br>Will offer to ship your puppy or meet you half way so you never get a chance to see the environment the pups were raised in<br>Will sell a puppy as soon as they possibly can, even if it's illegal<br></ul><br><br>I feel like I'm still missing some things, if anyone has something to add. <br><br>Also, have you had any experience with a Pomeranian? My mothers bf had one (they had to put her down last year, she was going deaf and it lead to her being hit by a car - she had a bad habit of laying under cars. She was aprox. 15) and they aren't the easiest of dogs to care for. They have pretty high grooming needs unless you keep them in a puppy cut, and they aren't the best as far a heat tolerance goes. They tend to be a one person dog, and they can be territorial and nippy. They aren't a good dog to have around small children as they can be a bit fragile. They can have problems with their kneecaps moving out of place, their airways are prone to collapse, and they also tend to have a condition similar to hotspots... their hair falls out and kinda doesn't grow back, and the skin thickens and darkens. From personal experience they seem to become overweight pretty easily if they don't get enough exercise.<br><br>Cookies and +1 for reading long post o.0
    <br>0_o did you type all this out that fast? XD
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Okay. Now, my mom got me my dog for Christmas, I had no say. It was probably for the best, because I would've insisted on a reputable breeder and everything. My dog is not registered, she is from a breeder, and she is healthy as can be. It was extremely obvious they loved their dogs, I walked in to pick up my Grandmother's puppy, and the man had the pup we wanted on his lap, along with a puppy who'd been reserved and their other dog. I asked if the parents were around, just because I loved dogs (I was too young to realize anything about good and bad breeders..) And the lady was so eager to show me them, she ran outback and brought then out immeadiately. These two dogs were the sweetest. The mother walked up and leaned against me, all the father wanted was a belly rub. Heck, they had doggy clothing on! The man insisted I hold Buddy. All of the pups had their vaccines, were parasite free, and were dewormed. Well, actually.. Pook may be eligible to be registered, my mom just may not have cared and never told me. We've had no medical problems with my dog, and she's made it to 4, still going strong. She is a perfect height and weight for her breed. So, I guess, if you buy from a breeder, just be there, be active in the conversation and ask questions.
  • <span style="color:#FF0080">Haha` Thanks Guys.After Looking Through At Some Puppies And Asking People More Information,I Found Out,Not Too' Trust What They Always Say.:[</span><br><span style="color:#0080BF">Lady Says She Lives Near Where I Live,<br>When I Contact Her,<br>She Lives On The Other Side Of World.</span><br>Hahaha`.Yeah I Know.Really.?<br><span style="color:#FF0080">I Found Someone Who Was Re-homing A Male Puppy.</span><br>This Is What Their Report Says;<br>"Tiny pomeranian male, 3 months old, healthy & happy. Should mature at only 6 lbs, so he'll stay small. $200 rehoming fee applies. We've been working on house & leash training, as well as other basic commands like sit, stay, come, no, etc. If you would like to meet him, please respond to this ad, describing the kind of home & family life you'll provide for this sweet pom baby. All other emails will be ignored. Additionally, please include a link to this ad in your email. Thanks for your interest!"<br><span style="color:#FF0080">I'm So' Excited!I Really Can't Wait.I Hope They Really Do Respond.What Do You Guys Think.?</span><br><span style="color:#FF0080">I Know About Bad Breeding And Everything.Which Is What I'm Mostly Trying Too' Avoid.Thanks Soo' Much Guys For Your Support!!</span>
  • <span style="font-size:85">I'd say, since they offer to let you meet him in person, <br>go for it. I'm a dog breeder myself, and so I know a good person<br>when I see one. They may be exaggerating the truth a bit, but <br>it still sounds legit to me. </span>
    "together forever, never apart. even as we're miles apart."
  • <span style="color:#FF0080">Thanks.:]</span><br><span style="color:#0080BF">They Sounded Serious At First,But It Has Been 3 Days And They Haven't Replied.My Sister Also Messaged Them.I'll Have Too' Wait Some More I Guess...:[</span><br><br><br>The Puppy Is White & Fluffy.She Posted 4 Pictures Of Him.I Hope This Is A Serious Ad Though.<br><br>Yesterday I Went Too' The Mall Because They Held Up An Event For The Rescued Dogs That Were Ready For Adoption.When I Went There,It Was Full And Most Dogs Already Had A Home.There Was Only 4 Left.:]<br>Congrats Strangers.:]<br>Hahaha`.<br>Merry Christmas Eve Everyone.
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