For sale! Horrible step-dad, needs to go ASAP or he will be RELEASED! Very needy, needs constant attention, we do everything for him, yet, he still believes that it is us who are the baffoons. Tells us not to do things, but goes ahead and does them himself. Very nagging, highly incapable of doing anything, too impaitent. Needs a ton of training that we just don't have the time to even try to get through his head. Thinks he'd the smartest person in the world, when he is near the stupidest. For example, he thinks that if you set the oven's preheat temperature higher, it will heat up faster. Needs a paitent, and firm owner. <br>Will even give away for FREE no payment nessesary! <br><br><span style="font-size:50">CAUTION!: We are not responsible for any emotional distressed caused to you or another loved one by the purchase of this man. We are also not responsible for any physical damage done to your home/property due to frustration/anger from this man.</span><br><br>Okay, so this all started yesterday when he literally got into a fight with my step sister about the fact that she was wearing a jacket in the house. For god's same she was COLD! Why does it matter? It wasn't doing ANYTHING to him! So, she takes off the jacket, after he ORDERS me to go get her a "house appropriate sweater". She refuses the sweater, and says she's not cold anymore, but proceeds to climb into my bed and pull up the covers. My stepdad comes upstairs and FREAKS out on her because apparently you can catch a cold by being in a sick person's bed. That's another thing.. This whole weekend he has been freaking on me to constantly wash my hands, hand sanitize, not "breath in her face" or "cough on her". Jeez how STUPID does he think I am? So, now, today, my mom and I go Christmas for HIM, and pick up a bunch of things for HIM and what do we come home to? An asshole. My mom goes up and he starts wrapping, and I take a shower. I get out of the shower and comb my hair out while my mom wraps. Well, he storms up the stairs huffing and puffing and pouting like a two year old. He accuses US of stealing his tape, when we haven't even gone near his stuff. Apparently, his role of tape wasn't working. He CAN'T admit that he made a mistake and LOST them! He also pouts that I haven't fed my dog yet. It isn't his dog, so why should he care?? So, I go downstairs and go into MY stash of supplies and get him my tape. Not even a thank you! He justs yells at me for not feeding the dog! HULLO! I JUST got downstairs and got YOU the damn tape! He goes back into his little den, and I make myself some soup and a sandwhich for supper. I left the soup out because I thought he or my mom might like some. Well, he comes in first and asks me why I left the light on. I said it was a mistake and he walks away GROWLING. Then, 5 minutes later he storms back into the living room and says "Are you done with your soup?" And I say "Yep." And he goes, "Well then why didn't you put it away?" I smartly answered my reasoning and it did shut him up for a little while. 5 minutes later he comes back in and tells me with this really smart alec tone and a smirk on his face, "You can now clean up your soup, do the dishes, and turn off the light when you're done." Just URGH!<br><br>Cookies to anybody who read all that. I know I've been venting a lot lately, but I HAD to get that off my chest.

I'm A Proud Directioner, Are You?
Go One Direction!
Go Directioners!
My Kennel
First 8x4's Belgian Laekenois
First 9x4's Belgian Shepards
First 10x4 Australian Silky Terriers
Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt