It's been a long time coming.
I've wanted this image since I first saw it floating around the internet. It's a pretty popular image on VP too. Anyway, the only thing keeping me back was the fear of the pain. lol It wasn't that bad at all! I went with a group of friends and they had all gotten tattoos before and kept telling me that it didn't hurt. Really it was like someone writing on me with an ink pen for a long time. It only really hurt when he got closer to my neck. I'm rather proud of it! My tattoo artist was awesome. The minute he saw what I wanted, he started talking about his dogs (two pit bulls) and volunteering at different shelters. I loved him!<br><br>Here's the finished product minutes after being completed. It's a few days old now and looks less red in person.<br><img src="" alt="" class="bb-image" />
I Keith Urban!
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!