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edited December 2011 in Vent
Dear oldest brother whom is here for the week of Christmas,<br><br> DO NOT bring my young puppy into my room beating the snot out of him, waking me up in the process. For ONE he's ONLY two months old and his bladder isnt that big. TWO why did YOU let him out of his crate if he wasnt gonna be watched and NOT let him out first?! THREE, he isnt YOUR dog to teach!!! DONT EVER HIT MY DOG AGAIN!!! FOUR PICKING MY PUPPU UP BY HIS SCRUFF SCREAMING ISNT A NICE WAY TO WAKE SOMEONE UP!! FIVE hitting a dog for going to the bathroom in the floor is BAD! POSITIVE INFORCEMENT IS BETTER! And he's gotten better and better. SIX YOU do NOT own the house so quit telling me i need to do this and i need to do that and then acting like my animals deserve a bullet SEVEN My animals mind better than YOURS! EIGHT why did you put him back in the cage afterwards and not let him OUT!?!? <br><br>Signed, ANGRY SISTER!!!!<br><br><br>Sorry bout this guys, but he's a jerk and if i post anywhere else his wife will see and tell him. x.X and i have to get it off my chest. He was like this too with Scout AND Ein both. Its absolutely rediculous!!


  • Personally I view the best prescription for ignorance being just plain mean is to put him in the situation. Since I'm in a tutorial mood I'll write out the steps :)<br><br>1) Buy a Giant (that your brother doesn't know) and teach him to..<br>2) Pick him up by the scruff and shack him around a bit<br>3) Smack him profusely <br>4) -the MOST important step- Make SURE he has no idea why he is being punished<br>5) Throw him back where you found him<br><br>If you fallow these steps you will have successfully administered a taste of the medicine he rightfully deserved.<br><br>This isn't your Border Collie right? If so repeat steps 2-5 about 8744567874548754687641857465148974658768486487814876025.66 times and I ll think you'll get the point across.<br><br>But really.. Your brothers and idiot and needs to stop.
  • Yep. It was my border collie. Made me EXTREMELY mad! and im making a trip to the giant store tomorrow!!
  • I'm sorry :( Stupid brother. I'll bring mine over to beat him up and hog tie him and throw him in the ocean tomorrow! XD
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • <span style="font-weight:bold">Omg that is horrible I would have like killed my brother if did that!</span>
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