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edited December 2011 in General Discussion
Ok well my dog Aspen i just cannot for the life of me train her to shake(give me paw) i have tried to Hold a treat in one hand, and show it to her. Close my fist over the treat so she can't get it. then tell her shake and kinda wave it in front of her and another techniques and when i try to get closer to her paws she scoots back I want to treat her this but just don't know what to do anymore.<br><br>I am very successful in training my dogs and don't have a problem usually. i am not new to training dogs and normally know what to do and have not had a problem with anything like this before .<br><br>Any suggestions?


  • I have a friend who trained her dog to shake by slapping the dog's chest so the dog would paw her hand in a kinda 'knock it off D<' gesture. xD Then she'd be all "Good shake! Have a biscuit!"
  • haha i don't think that would work lol i think she would just back up like she does lol i might try it though XD shes so smart though i tought her to sit lay and crawl within a week of getting her now she knows sit,lay,crawl,jump,stay,wait,dig,find it and spin and is learning roll over and play dead right now<br><br>Any suggestions on other things to teach her?
  • <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="text-decoration:underline">Steps To Teaching Paw In One Lesson</span></span><br><br>1) Take a clicker and some treats to a quiet room<br>2) Have her sit in front of you<br>3) EVERY TIME she moves her paw, click and treat<br>4) Once she is moving her paw start to raise your criteria and make her need o lift her paw higher and higher<br>5) Only click when she puts her paw in your hand after a while and jackpot it the first time she puts it in your hand<br><br><br>It took my Border Collie puppy 15 minuets to learn it this way :}<br><br>*warning* you need to be dead on in the beginning with the clicker and the clicker needs to be already loaded.
  • I know how to work with a clicker and i have tried even this training and it did not work.
  • You need to keep your criteria low to start, like a twitch or just moving positions and then wait her out.
  • i have for about 15 mins i tryed and tried like 4 times each day for 15 mins for over a week
  • Try luring with a treat then. <br>1) Have him sit<br>2) Take a cookie he is nibbling on and turn it from the front of his head to the side until he picks up his foot<br>3) Click when he picks up his foot and treat<br>4) Put a word to it and fade out the luring
  • We taught my dog just by grabbing her paw and saying the command, then treat and praise. Grab paw, treat, praise, and it goes on. She learned it in about 2 days (Shih-Tzu's are stubborn..) and now she knows it by the back of her.. Paw? XD Heh. Sorry. I had to. Sometimes the simple way works, I guess.
  • frostbight8- actually thats how i taught my german shep lol and have tried that with her and she didn't respond but i think im gonna keep trying with that one haha lol
  • Haha, yeah, my pooch was kind of like "Whaa?" At first, but she figured it out pretty fast. Jack Russells can be very smart, so she'll figure it out. XD
  • yeah shes super smart so we will see if she will get it lol
  • Is she scooting back when you touch her paws because she doesn't like her paws touched? (I know some dogs freak out if their paws are touched) You could praise her when ever she lets you touch/pet her paws. I did that with my dog in a training class and he lets me touch his paws all the time.
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  • well no i touch her paws all the time and she doesn't respond but when i am asking for a command or have a treat she does it
  • i tought my dog how to high 5 heres what u do for shake get a treat in ur hand hold it lift their paw and say shake and drop give treat same thing untill uthey do it them selves

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  • shes different then most dogs i have tried and she just wont do it
  • My dog would just walk away from me and get bored :P Mostly because she is stubborn and wants to do things her way not mine. I teach my dog by being even more stubborn :P My dog is also clever like yours, she is 11 months old and she knows... Sit, Lay, Paw, Wave, High Five, High Ten, Spin Right, Spin Left, Roll Over, Find It, Bark, Reach, Perch Sitting, Perch Standing up, Sit Petty, Jump, Jump on the Sofa(s), Dance. I think theres only a few more which I can't think of yet. Though you can only teach a dog Wave, High Five and High Ten when you have Paw right first. If your dog moves back every time you try to hold her paw for a command then move her in front of a wall. She won't be able to move back then. Though if she does try, then say AH firmly. Your dog will look at you to see whats wrong and then you can hold its paw. If your dogs stubborn like mine, then you must be alot more stubborn :P Good Luck!
  • I'v teached my dog and a shelter pitbull the same way Frost did part from I used the reward as a pat becuase my dog wont take food, and I guess I would pick up the paw and than go "Good Girl!!" pat her all over like its the best thing in the world shes done for me and after a while she seem to just start putting her paw up without me even asking "Paw" just to get a pat, so I guess make it a big thing for her? could do the trick.
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  • EmmeZoe wrote:
    <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="text-decoration:underline">Steps To Teaching Paw In One Lesson</span></span><br><br>1) Take a clicker and some treats to a quiet room<br>2) Have her sit in front of you<br>3) EVERY TIME she moves her paw, click and treat<br>4) Once she is moving her paw start to raise your criteria and make her need o lift her paw higher and higher<br>5) Only click when she puts her paw in your hand after a while and jackpot it the first time she puts it in your hand<br><br><br>It took my Border Collie puppy 15 minuets to learn it this way :}<br><br>*warning* you need to be dead on in the beginning with the clicker and the clicker needs to be already loaded.
    <br><br>This is basically how I taught Bayleigh. She didn't understand before. Then I got the clicker out (I also taught her how to "sit up" with the clicker) and she figured it out in minutes. She's a very intelligent puppy and picks things up quickly with the clicker but without it, forget it.
  • I tried 3 dogs shake by the way that someone mentioned. Pick up their paw and shake it, then give a treat. My shepherd learned this in 3 tries (less than 5min), my border learned this in maybe a day with a few small sessions throughout, and my aussie mix learned it in 10min as a 4mo old puppy. <br><br>Good luck to training. What a stubborn dog you have xD
  • Thanks everyone for all the wonderful tips!<br><br>i have been trying the method of just picking up her paw and shes not there yet but i believe she will get there soon! she is super stubborn but i love the challenge!
  • Awesome! =) There is one trick my dog won't do. Rollover. I guide the treat towards her butt but she gets up to get the treat instead xD. My borders learned this fairly quickly but my aussie is a dork D;
  • haha im teaching aspen roll over like right now to and i just kinda roll her over with a treat in my hand and she follows in lol but the thing with her is that she wont do anything unless i have something she wants and i just can't break her from it ij had to stop using treats but she wont just do a trick for nothing she will just walk away lol so if i tell her to like come she comes to were she can see me look to see if i have a treat and if i don't she runs away lol shes so suborn lol it drives me crazy sometimes lol
  • Lol, I tought my dog roll over XD Make sure you keep up Lie Down though. Whenever I say Lie Down to my dog she does it and straight after she rolls over with out me saying any thing XD I need to restart Lie down me thinks :P Good Luck!
  • Oh my goodness. Don't get me started on rollover! My dog can't be lured into a roll over, if I wanted her to, I'd need to force her over and pin her down. Of course, I don't do that, but it's what it would take. We compromised with "Bang!" Which involves laying on her side. Equally cute, harder to teach. :roll:
  • i taught my German shepherd when she was 12 to play dead when i said "Bang, Bang!" it was so cute thats the next thing im teaching aspen
  • Aspen has now fully learned spin, roll over, and bang bang! but still not shake! grrr..
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