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edited December 2011 in Vent
I am NOT impressed with the amazon kindle right now...<br><br>So in July This year I bought a kindle, on October 31st it broke so I got a replacement (same day)... today I go to look at the new kindle from my bag and its broken... so I now have a new kindle... hopefully it won't break like the rest.<br><br>So in like 5months ive had 3kindle's not impressed. And i just knew it was going to break today since it was being weird when I was turning pages
Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt


  • Are the screens cracking? Because cases are made to prevent that. I had that experience bought a case and now I haven't had problems since.
  • Maybe you should try not shoving it in a bag? xD Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.<br><br>I've had my Kindle for over a year, without a case, and I don't even have a scratch on it. ._.
  • No it wasnt a screen crack it was just a black line and white section over the screen, and I have it in a bag since I travel 4hours on a bus everyday and its in a completely different section to all the hard stuff in my bag... since I have the back pocket filled with laptop and heavy items I keep it in the smaller front section (unless thats looking a little squashed) so yea pleanty of room
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • I'm sure any sort of pressure on that sort of screen probably isn't good for it. Perhaps looking into a hard case would be a good idea.
  • No it wasnt a screen crack it was just a black line and white section over the screen, and I have it in a bag since I travel 4hours on a bus everyday and its in a completely different section to all the hard stuff in my bag... since I have the back pocket filled with laptop and heavy items I keep it in the smaller front section (unless thats looking a little squashed) so yea pleanty of room
    <br>By my phone company's defination thats a screen crack >.< what you're describing is what has happened repeatedly to my phones when the screens crack. <br><br>No seriously go buy a case anything. I have a purple squishy one it goes in my backpack with my heavy ass math book and I have no problems<br><br>This is what you see right <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>;
  • yea sorta not as much but the same kind of thing, and i have a case i managed to lose it found it again now... since i dont like using the case in the house makes my kindle all bulky and more like a book so i cant lie comfortably lol shall keep it in my bag i think (the case that is)
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • Yeah, I know what you mean about the cases killing all comfortable reading. :| I fight with mine daily. xD
  • Yeah, I know what you mean about the cases killing all comfortable reading. :| I fight with mine daily. xD
  • <span style="font-weight:bold">I have mine kindle for 9 months,and it is working fine...I have a case for mine so noting can happen to it though</span>
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