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edited December 2011 in General Discussion
Oh its so bad having exams so close to Christmas. Got 2 exams next week :( <br><br>Lots of revising to do, spent like 4hours making revision notes for one topic, not even got started on the other part of notes for the same exam :( going to be tired. At least I can put them on my kindle and read them on the bus :)<br><br>Anyone else have the bad luck of having exams so close to Christmas?
Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt


  • Ugh, that reminds me. I need to kick my butt into doing schoolwork /:<br><br>I have a Practical Lab Exam next week, then a Bio final the week after that. I have a portfolio and research paper for English due next week, and a term paper for Psychology. As well as all the Art History work I'm behind on because my online teacher apparently doesn't speak English -.-
  • I have exams for the last three days before Christmas break. They're trying to ruin our Christmas spirit.<br>I don't have any papers like you guys, but long tests aren't too pleasant either. xD
  • I have 1 paper based and the second is done on the computer where i think we have to create a website that validates (that one isnt too daunting) the paper based one is though
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
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