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Cut Stew..

edited December 2011 in Vent
Well have you ever heard of the saying pouring lemon/alcohol/ slat in your cut? That's how I feel. Crap just seems to keep piling up.<br><br>-Bentley my dear puppy had to be euthanized because he was just going down hill so fast. He was only a week from 7 months.. The vet said he was a ticking time bomb but we never figured out what the exact reason was..<br><br>- My Grandmother passed away 2 days after Bentley due to cancer, I had just recently been spending a lot of time with her and we all loved her very much.<br><br>- Me and my sister (lets call her Amy and she is the second oldest but out of collage) have been feuding a lot. Mainly he lack of maturity. When we talked about how Grandma has cancer, the most intelligent thing she could say was "that makes me sad." She is a total jerk to her boyfriend who is VERY good to her. I almost slapped her the other day when we were at Grandma's house (day before she died but she wanted to die at home so she was in a bed in the living room) and she was talking about Bentley sounding like she was almost glad he was dead because "he ate his own poop." All she does is complain. She was the first of my family to go to collage and she failed so she couldn't get her diploma until she redid a few classes. She complains about her car being old, she has a BMW for crying out loud! It just pisses me off.<br><br>- I just learned that my other sister that I am really close to has and eating disorder. She is Belemic (sp) and I'm trying to help her but I don't know if I should tell my mom. It <span style="font-weight:bold">really</span> bothers me..<br><br>I don't know what to do, I'm starting to developing concentration problems I think to be cause all of a sudden Ill zoom back to reality and be like "wait, what are we doing?" during class. I don't know, is this just normal teenage stuff? It sure doesn't feel like it.


  • Oh, yes and my sponcer account is being stupid so I can't train unless I want a few skills not filled up..
  • Fo one.. YES Tell your mother about your sisters eating disorder! Those are dangerous! Very dangerous. You might feel like your tattling or making her mad at you but at least being mad at you is alive!<br><br>Second... Take it all slowly. Your older sister is annoying.. she will always be. She's ungreatful... she will always be probably but you will not always have to live with her. Just deal with her until you get out of the house. <br><br>With your puppy, im sorry. I know its sad, i lost my year old dream dog at the beginning of the year and i just now have healed enough to get another dog. It will get better. Just remember all the good times you had with him. Make his life a good experience. Dont dread it. <br><br>With your grandma... same thing as above. Make her life something happy to remember. Im not saying get over it right away, just be glad for the time you got to spend with her. <br><br>And for the focusing... sounds like youve been under a lot of stress. Id just work on relaxing and getting some stuff figured out in your life. Find peace with whats going on and things will seem soo much easier to manage
  • I'm so sorry about everything. What was wrong with Bentley? :(
  • For the eating disorder, NO. I wouldn't tell. Parents in general (not trying to offend you about yours) know nothing about what an eating disorder actually is. Bulimia is very serious, yeah, but getting your sister grounded/defensive/sent to a professional will NOT help. It will make her hold on to her disorder even harder because she'll feel attacked. People with eating disorders can't be helped until they make the decision themselves. <br><br>The best thing you can do is let her trust you about it and be there for her. She needs to be able to open up to you and talk to you about it every single time she throws up or has the urge to. Try to find out whether it's a weight loss thing/control issue thing/etc. <br><br>Best case scenario, she trusts you about it and eventually talks to you BEFORE she binges and throws up. Over time she'll stop. <br><br>Worst, she'll start getting really sick. You'll notice, even if she tries to hide it up. She'll start have yellowing nails, dramatic weight and hair loss, among others. This is when you pull the last resort, which is getting someone else involved and probably landing her in a hospital with a feeding tube and no way to make herself puke. <br><br>If you need more advice, feel free to pm me. I have gone through both anorexia and bulimia, and have had a very close friend almost die from bulimia a couple years ago.
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