Unnamed untrained would bring more money in my book. That way i can fix it how i like as a show stud. Id pay 2 mil at the most. Boxers arent that rare on VP and there are quite a few 10x4's of them. I have one myself.
What if I just trained her in discipline and stat maxed her with aggession so the buyer could finish picking the training? Plus she comes with free training anyways.
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you might get 500k for it minimum trained. I completely pass up all trained dogs myself. But thats a personal choice because i like to train my dogs MY way and that way i can pick the discipline myself
I wouldnt do it. Then the dog would be breeding only. It would be older by the time you got it ready for shows. Stat maxxing usually ends at 2.6 or 3 years.. id end up at 4 or 5 years by the time you got done training it for events that way
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