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Eventing Personal Breeds

Just probably a simple and dumb question but I could not find the answer so I figured I would double check before getting into major trouble over it. Personal breeds that live for 70,etc. years, are they only allowed to event a certain amount of years or are they allowed to event as long as possible? Thanks


  • There is no set restriction on eventing age, however it is asked that anyone who owns a breed as you describe, event it for no longer than the age of which a public breed has. (I think that's ~30 years max.) Personal breeds cost a lot of money, and it'd be a shame if, because of eventing abuse, lifespans had to be reduced. I'm not sure if that would be the exact course of action if the longer lifespans are abused, but I do know that could very well happen. <br><br>It's also not very fair to someone who can only train and event their public breed to ~30 years while someone who purchased a PB pup got to train/event it until 70. And while that can become a hot issue, I am one of the 70 year PB owners and I don't believe we should use the 70 year limit just because we have it. (Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.)<br><br>So basically, out of pure courtesy it would be appreciated that anyone with a breed that lives longer than 30 years voluntarily restrict it to eventing no later than 30. :)
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