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Animal Behavior Research Project! (help?)

For my research project that I have to do for my AP Zoology class I've decided to focus on animal behavior, specifically audio versus visual learning. <br>I'm going to be testing not just my horses and dogs, but also the horses at the barn where I work and the dogs humane society where I work. <br>I want to see how fast it takes the animals to learn a behavior based solely off of an audio or visual cue.<br><br>Here's an example: <br>To teach a horse to raise their hoof, I would stand next to or in front of the horse and lift my leg and tap theirs until they lift it. I will repeat the tapping of their own leg until they can do the command on their own when I lift my own leg. <br>- this is an example of a visual cue.<br><br>I will also be using audio cues for the same behavior only with different horses and dogs to avoid confusion. <br>For example:<br>Instead the the visual cue of lifting my leg to have the horse lift theirs, I would use a bell. I would ring the bell then tap their leg until they lift it. The goal is that they will lift their leg without me tapping it when they hear the bell. <br><br>As for the dogs it's a little more basic. Hand signals for behaviors such as sit, down, come, etc. Audio cues for the same. <br><br><br>I have my trainer helping me and whatnot wit the horses, what I said above is just a general idea. <br><br>What I am asking of you guys is the following....<br>- Any other ideas of how to teach? (using audio and visual cues) <br>- Cue ideas? (clicker, bell, whistle, etc?)<br>- Behaviors to teach? (raising leg, backing up, head up, head down, etc?)<br>- Anything else you wish to say or add!


  • For backing up you can use something beeping :mrgreen:
  • I taught my dog visual cues completely by accident. Pick a gesture, and when you tell them the audio cue, use the gesture at the same time again and again until you just use the gesture. It took me... A few hours of work with my border collie to teach her the gesture for speak, and I can't tell you how long it took for sit/stay/down/paw because it was a complete accident that she learned those. xD<br><br>For sit: I held my closed hand to my chest.<br>For stay: I held my hand down at eye level in the 'stop' position.<br>For down: With my index and middle finger out and the rest of my fingers tucked I motion towards the ground<br>For speak: I hold my fist at eye level and open my fingers quickly.<br>For paw: I hold out my cupped hand to her.
  • One of mine and Vampy's friends has her horse trained so that if she says a number 1-4 the horse picks up a certain leg at each number without even touching the horse 0.0
  • She doesnt pick em up tho. Shes a halter horse and you can push or pull just a little on her halter and call out the number of the leg and the mare will adjust it. You can always say "Square up" while she's standing still and she squares her feet. She's a trained halter mare though.
  • Everyone's info is very useful so far!<br>I'm really getting excited to do this project!<br><br>Any horse people who have taught their horses many sessions did it take and how long were they?<br>Ive never actually taught my horses a specific trick, they just pick up on things over time and it ikind of ends up being a 'trick'
  • Oooooh yeeeea she was a halter horse wasnt she xD
  • I can help ya out! :P I will be working with Nita and Babydoll as soon as some of the ice goes away hopefully so I will tell you some of my expiraments. ;D <br>Even if you can't get it in time for this project I suggest reading Almost A Whisper by Sam Powell and Lane Carter. It teaches alot about horses behavior and instincts. Its really interesting. <br>Btw, I'm jealous of your project. XD I would never get to do this kinda thing in my school.
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • I can help ya out! :P I will be working with Nita and Babydoll as soon as some of the ice goes away hopefully so I will tell you some of my expiraments. ;D <br>Even if you can't get it in time for this project I suggest reading Almost A Whisper by Sam Powell and Lane Carter. It teaches alot about horses behavior and instincts. Its really interesting. <br>Btw, I'm jealous of your project. XD I would never get to do this kinda thing in my school.
    <br><br>I just need ideas for tasks and behaviors as well as things to use as their cues. <br>I'm so excited about getting started!
  • I just need ideas for tasks and behaviors as well as things to use as their cues. <br>I'm so excited about getting started!
    <br><br>May I suggest something? Maybe you could also do a part where you study how the animal takes one thing and associates it with the next. I.E. teach a dog sit and then call it a nonsense word and see if they put two and two together. Or train a horse/dog to put its two front feet on something then go to a different thing once they master the first object start going to different objects and use the same word. I no they did a study about this once with a border collie...
  • EmmeZoe wrote:
    I just need ideas for tasks and behaviors as well as things to use as their cues. <br>I'm so excited about getting started!
    <br><br>May I suggest something? Maybe you could also do a part where you study how the animal takes one thing and associates it with the next. I.E. teach a dog sit and then call it a nonsense word and see if they put two and two together. Or train a horse/dog to put its two front feet on something then go to a different thing once they master the first object start going to different objects and use the same word. I no they did a study about this once with a border collie...
    <br><br>the only issue with that is most of the dogs and horses are already trained in specific things. <br>For example the dog may already know how to sit by verbal command and I would just teach them sit by a hand motion. <br>Having them associate a behavior with more than one word may be difficult and confusing if they are already partially trained and recognize specific commands. <br>It would also add other variables and be more time consuming for the type of project.<br>Though this is a very interesting concept and I will look into it for later projects ;)
  • the only issue with that is most of the dogs and horses are already trained in specific things. <br>For example the dog may already know how to sit by verbal command and I would just teach them sit by a hand motion. <br>Having them associate a behavior with more than one word may be difficult and confusing if they are already partially trained and recognize specific commands. <br>It would also add other variables and be more time consuming for the type of project.<br>Though this is a very interesting concept and I will look into it for later projects ;)
    <br><br>For most breeds this is true. Even my border collie looks at me weird if I just mutter a word at her, but if I mutter some strange word and add a gesture of some sort, she knows what I mean. It doesn't even have to be one of the signals she's trained to, for example if I motion towards the stairs, I can say anything and she knows that it's time to kennel up. xD I fear that if I get any dog that's not in the herding/working group, I may find them too stupid to deal with after this...
  • Kazuko wrote:
    the only issue with that is most of the dogs and horses are already trained in specific things. <br>For example the dog may already know how to sit by verbal command and I would just teach them sit by a hand motion. <br>Having them associate a behavior with more than one word may be difficult and confusing if they are already partially trained and recognize specific commands. <br>It would also add other variables and be more time consuming for the type of project.<br>Though this is a very interesting concept and I will look into it for later projects ;)
    <br><br>For most breeds this is true. Even my border collie looks at me weird if I just mutter a word at her, but if I mutter some strange word and add a gesture of some sort, she knows what I mean. It doesn't even have to be one of the signals she's trained to, for example if I motion towards the stairs, I can say anything and she knows that it's time to kennel up. xD I fear that if I get any dog that's not in the herding/working group, I may find them too stupid to deal with after this...
    <br><br>Ok, it was just a though :)<br><br><br>
    Kazuko wrote:
    I fear that if I get any dog that's not in the herding/working group, I may find them too stupid to deal with after this...
    <br><br>Tiz true ;)
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