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I recently decided I was going to start up training again. But then realized, that on my laptop the f5,etc keys are technically alternate keys and only available for use while also holding another button that enables the alternates. This cramps my hand having to hold down the extra key like that and slows down the training process. Does anybody know a way to lock the alternate key to stay on so that I don't have to hold it?


  • I recently decided I was going to start up training again. But then realized, that on my laptop the f5,etc keys are technically alternate keys and only available for use while also holding another button that enables the alternates. This cramps my hand having to hold down the extra key like that and slows down the training process. Does anybody know a way to lock the alternate key to stay on so that I don't have to hold it?
    <br><br><br><br>What kind of laptop do you have?
  • Nvm read it wrong.
    656 Gifties
  • Before I got my new laptop I was using my boyfriend's HP mini. As far as I know there's no way to lock the 'fn' button, so I just never trained on it. \: You could maybe tape it down, but I don't know if you want to put tape on your computer.
    <span style="font-size: 10pt;">rLHC1jx.gif </span><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;">sophierue.png</span><span style="font-size: small;"> </span></div><div><span style="font-size: small;">oh I swear to ya, I'll be there for ya.
    10.31.10 ❤
  • We have an Hp mini and I called the help number to figure it out. (I was desperate) I've forgotten how, but there is a way.(:
  • Haha,if you remember,let me know! :D
  • It was something kind of complicated. You had to press certain buttons while the computer was turning on and it brings up some type of menu. I know that's not very helpful though xD
  • according to google you have to go into the BIOS (you can enter this on start up) and then something to do with Action Key Modes, I cant remember how to get onto the BIOS myself and I would have had my bf explain but hes gone to bed lol
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • Thanks Tigey(: I will attempt,haha
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