<img src="http://i1206.photobucket.com/albums/bb457/Coconaur/colt.jpg" alt="http://i1206.photobucket.com/albums/bb457/Coconaur/colt.jpg" class="bb-image" /><br><br>So my aunt has three colts, and she's giving me one I know bunchles about horses, but I'm human and make mistakes. I know he's not the best looking horse out there, but I was wondering if anyone could let me know what discipline he'd be best in? I want to do jumping, but I honestly don't know if he's got the body type d:<br><br>ALSO. Name suggestions? Please help :)Btw, he's believed to be a TWH.
Pacers arent good at jumping unless its done under a very knowledgable eye. Apparently something about them jumping from a pace throws them off balance and is dangerous.. i know it CAN be done, just have to understand all the technicalities of doing it safely. <br><br>Generally gaiters and known for gaiting classes, however theyre usually cruel methods used and i doubt that will be good for him. Have you thought about barrel racing or something like that? Or he'd be LOVELY in dressage with those poppy walker movements! Western world wise i only see rodeo events because though its unfair, there are prejudices against any horse that isnt a stock horse. I know... uncool. But if you dont mind prejudice and unfair placings i dont see why he couldnt do some performance events.
ps. conformationally wise i dont see a lot to consider ugly. I have a feeling he's ewe necked by what i see of his neck which probably means he has a weak throat latch, which will make it hard to have him collect. Ima have this same problem with Roman.<br><br>His head is kinda large, but hey, larger head equals bigger brain ;D Theres not much that comes with the size of his head work wise, its just not considered pretty in halter so dont worry about that.<br><br>His back looks a tad long but with muscle and time that might go away. Just watch him starting too soon because it can cause him to go swayback. <br><br>I like how straight his legs are from this angle. They seem a bit this but thats breed characteristic.<br><br>I wouldnt start him until he were three at the earliest due to him not seeing all that physically mature right now. <br><br>Thats my take on his prettiness
Youd not have anyone to talk horses with on VP xD or you would... just not ME ;D
<br><3 Vampy! I wish I knew as much as her! I know more about barrels and speed events and she knows halter and stuff like that xD So together us 3 are...unbeatable! XD <br>He looks pretty good, just like Vampy says about his neck. :P
Mystyyyy... lesson for you! What do you notice about his back (look at the withers) that will grow out with time most likely? Common fault in babies that until two years of age shouldnt be faulted due to it being something that all foals grow out of?
Some names.<br><br>Tahoe<br>Nick<br>Pumpkin. <br>Acoustic<br>Lullaby (Kinda girly XD)<br>Absolute<br>Alaska<br>Promise<br>Spartan<br>Jabba The Hut XD (More of a show name for something that starts with Jab. XD)<br>Montana<br>Earl<br>Laddie.<br><br>Also, for discipline, I would look at how he moves. If he is a good bender, fast, and very balanced, he will probably make a good jumper. As for a hunter, he will probably do good if he is steady, slower, and extends and the walk, trot, and canter. And has good position. For hunter help, message me. I show in hunters, so I know a great deal.
Your Name Here's Unexpected Gift (for a show name) Giftie for short<br>Chestnut Brownie (for a show name) Brownie for short<br>Prince of Neverland (for a show name) Prince or Neverland for short<br>Guardian of My Heart (for a show name) Guardian for short
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