You can try gargling with salt water. Tastes bad but it works. xD Just fill a glass with warm tap water and put a little salt in it, then gargle it and spit until all the water in the glass is gone.<br><br>Tell me if it works, hope you feel better! Sore throats are the worst thing ever. Dx<br><br>Also, I hate drinking water when I have a sore throat- I've found it just hurts even worse when I do so (though other people may think differently) so taking sips of soda seems to feel better when you're thirsty or need something to drink.. although I'm no professional. XD
Nope. I googled it- you need 1/4 - 1/2 a teaspoon of salt. I don't measure it but it's good to know for sure how much. xD
<br><br><br>haha thanks finny. And im not sure if its a cold or what. Cause the first day i had it i also had a temp of 100...And a headache. Now 2 days later its just a sore throat and a cough
I hate sore throats I get them all the time. Gargling salt water helps a ton! Also eating things with Vitamin C is also really good. I like to have Halls Vitamin C drops (or just cough drops) because they help sooth the throat.
i know its past sunday but in case its still there, a doctor once told me suck on hard boiled sweets to keep the throat lubricated and it works like a treat salt water is also very good. <br><br>[Edited by staff, inappropriate for children.]
My real life horse! (:
My real life horse! (:
My real life horse! (:
My real life horse! (:
My real life horse! (:
Here have a band-aid
My real life horse! (:
Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt