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Touchy Subject Sometimes:

edited November 2011 in General Discussion
<span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="text-decoration:underline">Pittbulls.</span></span> <span style="font-style:italic">(Skip to the story part if you don't want to know what made me ask for the story in the first place haha)</span><br><br>Now I've told the story about my brother's pitty, Boomer. I've told you about my pitty, Faythe. I've even told you guys about Vampy's pitty, Cheyenne. Here's one I haven't told. The reason? I just heard the full version of the story tonight. My boyfriend's step brother, let's call him Sherman, has a tattoo on his arm of the head of a black and white "mean" looking pitbull that say's "Soldier" at the top of its head and "My hero" at the bottom. I asked a while back what it meant and he said it was his second pitbull he ever owned. He bought Soldier (the dog) cause he lived alone and wanted it to protect the house while he was at work. Sherman's kidneys are shutting down. He has a device in his arm that circulates his blood through his body and goes in for Dialysis once a week. He goes in two weeks to see if his mothers (my boyfriends step mom) kidneys match his so he can get one of her kidneys. He told me this story tonight while my boyfriend and I were at his dad's place for Thanksgiving.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="text-decoration:underline">Story:</span></span><br><br>Sherman had been feeling sick for a while and thought it was just the flu so he left it alone and went on to work and from day to day as usual. He was feeling really bad one night and said to Soldier, that if he wasn't better the next day he would go to the doctor. Well he got ready for bed and laid down. Soldier jumped up on his bed which he said the dog never did cause he was trained to stay off the furniture. Well he pushed Soldier off but he kept jumping back up, so Sherman told him he could sleep with him "just this once" and laid back down. Soldier started nudging him with his nose and pawing at him trying to get him up. Sherman kept pushing him away and told him "enough" and Soldier jumped down and ran to the door and started whining. Sherman got up and was like "Fine. I feel terrible so I'll just go to the hospital since you won't let me sleep." and Soldier instantly went to his own bed laid down and curled up to go to sleep. Sherman got his keys and went to the hospital. They doctors told him that if he had of gone to sleep that night. He wouldn't have woken up the next morning. His kidneys were at 4%. They told him he had 10 hours before they shut down completely and it killed him. If Soldier hadn't of kept him awake which made him decide to go to the doctor. He would have died in his sleep. His <span style="font-style:italic"><span style="text-decoration:underline">Pitbull</span></span> saved his life.<br><br>I don't know if that changes anyone's mind about this breed but.. It sure touched my heart. I already love the breed and now it's just even stronger.. It was such a touching story..


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