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edited November 2011 in Vent
I'm convinced I have a heart problem.. It beats irregularly, I have chest pain sometimes and dizziness sometimes. They come and go, started over summer, went away, came back beginning of school, went away, and now it's back. I know that I'm not suppose to google it, but I did.. It seems like an arrythmia. Which, can be life threatening or require no treatment. I'm really afraid mine requires treatment, just because.. I think I have anxiety as well, and it doesn't help. I haven't told my mom- I can't.. I'm afraid of the doctor. I know how silly it seems but I'm afraid the doctor will find something very serious and it can't be cured, I just have to life the rest of my life. I'm young, very healthy, and often find myself wondering "Why me?" It just doesn't seem logical. Its come to a point where I know I can't go on like this.. And I have to tell my mom. I just can't. I'm afraid of what she'll say, what will happen. This makes me tear up.. One find memory I have is my mom telling my when I was little is "You can always tell me anything." And I teared up when she said it, I was really young, too. So I'm a deep person.. I know it's true.. I love her and I don't want to hurt her.. I don't want to leave her. God, this is making me ball my eyes out. I love life, wonder why me, and it had taken its toll. Please help?


  • Please Frosty be strong and tell someone. I have had friends pass because they never told anyone of problems they had. I dont want to lose you as a friend. Fight for your courage and just explain wat is happening. I hate the doctors as well and know how difficult it can be to tell someone of problems going on.
  • You need to see a doctor. Chances are, your anxiety is causing the heart trouble and not knowing what the problem is is causing more anxiety, causing more heart trouble.<br><br>I have what's called Premature Atrial Contraction, which is a heart arrhythmia. When I have my episodes my heart feels like it skips beats, my chest gets tight and it feels as if my head my explode. My heart doesn't actually skip a beat, instead of beating one side and then the other, my whole heart tries to beat at the same time on random beats. When it first started happening, I was scared beyond belief. What made it worse was that it never happened in the calm, quiet waiting room of the doctor, so they didn't know what was going on either. When it finally did last long enough for me to get to the doctor and them to put the tapes on me, the problem wasn't anything major, though it could become major if it wasn't monitored. <br><br>It does require treatment, but the treatment is taking small beta blocker pills whenever it starts up, not even on a daily basis. I've not had to take a pill in months. It's probably caused by stress, so I make a point of trying to keep stress to a minimum or if I can't avoid stress, do things to relieve the stress such as exercising or losing myself in a good book before my heart starts reacting to the stress.<br><br>Your heart trouble doesn't necessarily mean an all or nothing prognosis. It may be something like mine that is caused by outside influences and once you know the cause, can remedy it with little medical treatment. But, you won't know until you go and if you don't go, don't get treatment, it may turn into something worse.<br><br>Your mom cares about you. Do you think she would be hurt worse by you having an actual heart attack and dying when what you had could have been treated, that you had symptoms for months and wouldn't tell her or by going to the doctor and fighting, even though there's nothing that could be done? You dying would hurt her anyway you look at it. Which do you think would be easier for her? Then there's the most likely outcome, that you have a small problem and it can be fixed very easily.
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