I'm convinced I have a heart problem.. It beats irregularly, I have chest pain sometimes and dizziness sometimes. They come and go, started over summer, went away, came back beginning of school, went away, and now it's back. I know that I'm not suppose to google it, but I did.. It seems like an arrythmia. Which, can be life threatening or require no treatment. I'm really afraid mine requires treatment, just because.. I think I have anxiety as well, and it doesn't help. I haven't told my mom- I can't.. I'm afraid of the doctor. I know how silly it seems but I'm afraid the doctor will find something very serious and it can't be cured, I just have to life the rest of my life. I'm young, very healthy, and often find myself wondering "Why me?" It just doesn't seem logical. Its come to a point where I know I can't go on like this.. And I have to tell my mom. I just can't. I'm afraid of what she'll say, what will happen. This makes me tear up.. One find memory I have is my mom telling my when I was little is "You can always tell me anything." And I teared up when she said it, I was really young, too. So I'm a deep person.. I know it's true.. I love her and I don't want to hurt her.. I don't want to leave her. God, this is making me ball my eyes out. I love life, wonder why me, and it had taken its toll. Please help?
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