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A Little About Me

Ok so I just wanted to post a bit of an intro. I go by Paranormal Wolf, Paranormal, Para Wolf, Para or anything along those lines. I've been playing VP for a while now and really enjoy it. Hope to become a sponsor sooner or later lol. I've always loved dogs and have lived with them for as long as I can recall. I love learning about them and am especially passionate about pit bulls. I'm an admin for a positive pit bull site and also a member of an online husky forum. In real life I have 3 wonderful dogs: Koopa -American Pit Bull Terrier, Kuma -Siberian Husky, and Tenchi -Pekingese. I'm a pretty friendly person online but a bit shy in real life. One of my biggest pet paves is rudeness, I try to be polite and expect the same in return. If my opinions differ from your I will either not comment or will do so in a respectful manner. Again I ask this in return. Otherwise I'm pretty laid back and go with the flow.<br><br>Thanks for reading and wishing everyone the best of wishes<br>-Para


  • I've already met you but welcome to the VP forums! ;D
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • I've already met you but welcome to the VP forums! ;D
    <br><br>Thanks :P
  • Welcome to VP. I owned a pit once. A red brindle. She was the sweetest girl. My mom would put her inside to sleep with me when she wasnt there and more than once my brother got an earful from Chey for opening my door haha! Anyways. Welcome Welcome Welcome... and enjoy your stay in the crazy house bwa ha ha!!!! *hiccup*
  • Welcome to VP. I owned a pit once. A red brindle. She was the sweetest girl. My mom would put her inside to sleep with me when she wasnt there and more than once my brother got an earful from Chey for opening my door haha! Anyways. Welcome Welcome Welcome... and enjoy your stay in the crazy house bwa ha ha!!!! *hiccup*
    <br><br>Thanks for the welcome. Koopa is my 2nd pit I've owned (we fostered 2 others). He is such a big sweetie. He loves to get attention and give kisses.
  • Welcome to VP. I owned a pit once. A red brindle. She was the sweetest girl. My mom would put her inside to sleep with me when she wasnt there and more than once my brother got an earful from Chey for opening my door haha! Anyways. Welcome Welcome Welcome... and enjoy your stay in the crazy house bwa ha ha!!!! *hiccup*
    <br>Allow me to introduce Vampy...shes one of my bestest friends here! :P
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Hey I'm Garnet or Garney. Your choice :D I know Vampy in real life and she's a Goofball <3 if you need any help or have any questions let me know :D I have a pitbull of my own and my brother has two and I love them all!
  • Garnet wrote:
    Hey I'm Garnet or Garney. Your choice :D I know Vampy in real life and she's a Goofball <3 if you need any help or have any questions let me know :D I have a pitbull of my own and my brother has two and I love them all!
    <br><br>Hello Garnet and thanks for the welcome. Always glad to meet other pit bull fans. They are one of, if not my favorite breed of all time.
  • Heya, I'm Wheaty. I bite... Ask Garn :P xD Just kidding, I'm usually extremely kind... the key word is usually. But anyways nice to meet yah, I'm off to eat some free food...
  • Wheaton wrote:
    Heya, I'm Wheaty. I bite... Ask Garn :P xD Just kidding, I'm usually extremely kind... the key word is usually. But anyways nice to meet yah, I'm off to eat some free food...
    <br><br>Nice to meet you too! And free food is always a good thing lol.
  • Oh yes. Wheaty has bitten Garn before *nods head* jaykay <333 She's super sweet mostly! haha. Pitbulls and Chihuahuas are my two fave breeds. Pitbulls puling ahead by a few points xD Mines actually digging at my blankets right now trying to get under them and then gave up and plopped down otop of them with a *siiiiiigh* xD
  • Welcome! I think you'll find that there are a lot of pit bull lovers on this game/forums. I'm a member of several pit bull specific forums as well, I'm curious if we know of each other.
  • Garnet wrote:
    Oh yes. Wheaty has bitten Garn before *nods head* jaykay <333 She's super sweet mostly! haha. Pitbulls and Chihuahuas are my two fave breeds. Pitbulls puling ahead by a few points xD Mines actually digging at my blankets right now trying to get under them and then gave up and plopped down otop of them with a *siiiiiigh* xD
    <br><br>My pit boy Koopa is one of the goofiest dogs I've ever owned lol. He is also very lazy and a total bed monster :p He's always trying to lay in the bed on my blankets and pillows haha.
  • Welcome! I think you'll find that there are a lot of pit bull lovers on this game/forums. I'm a member of several pit bull specific forums as well, I'm curious if we know of each other.
    <br><br>I'm alwyas glad to find other pit bull lovers. I often find myself having to defend my dog because of his breed :( Ane we very well may be members of the same forum lol.
  • Mine does too!! She literally pushes me out of bed sometimes and steals my pillows xD
  • Garnet wrote:
    Mine does too!! She literally pushes me out of bed sometimes and steals my pillows xD
    <br>h\<br>Koopa is the worst about that haha! He is such a sweet boy though.
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