Okay, so a couple days ago my mom and I were at Market Basket. It turned out that we got the wrong cream, so I offered to go switch them. No big deal. I switch the creams, and hear some lady yelling beside me, so I looked up. This kid, probably about 4 years old is kicking his mother (who is on the phone, barely watching this kid). His mother yells at him, tells him to stop, and what does he do? Kick her again, and run away in this BUSY store. I happened to be walking behind him. I'll admit, I could've been nicer but I'm really not a kid person.. They stress me out. He stops, looking a little lost, and turns around and asks me if I'll help him find his mom. I say okay, and lead him back until the lady is in sight, and tell him to go to her. I then walk away, and he follows me! I tell him to go to the lady again, and he stares at me. So, I walk away again, what does this kid do? Running up my heels and kicking me! Some total stranger to him! I take it for a little while, but then I can't. I whirl around and say "Stop. Why are you kicking me?" The kid just smiles and asks me what my name was. I responded "you don't need to know" and walked away. The kid yells after me, "I'll kick your butt!" And what does he do, start kicking me in the butt. I turned around, asked him to stop, and he asks me again, what my name is. I give him the same answer and run to my mom. I get to her, tell her what happened, and then the kid shows up! He asks my mom "What is his name?" I'm thinking "his?! How offensive!" Then the kid gives asks up if we no where he lives.. We were like "Umm, no?" So, he gives us his telephone number and says we should come visit him sometime. Goodness, I DO NOT like children.
I Keith Urban!
I Keith Urban!