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Where I've Been...

<span style="font-size:85">So for those of you who didn't notice, I have been gone for almost 2 weeks. This is because one weekend I had a conference in Wyoming to go to. That was so much fun! And then my friends came home with us for a few days, then Sunday my grandma called. Long story short my mom had huntingtons disease (<a href="'s_disease"; target="_blank" class="bb-url">Click here for info on disease</a>) and she was staying with her mom in Indiana because shes a R.N. ,and she wanted to make up for not being there most of my moms life because she was divorced literally like 9 times, and my mom was getting worse. Well my grandma called saying that my mom had choked and she didn't think that she was gonna make it, then she called saying that they got her breathing on her own, but they didn't tell her till later she was breathing on a respirator, (mom didn't wanna have to stay alive by machine), and my grandma told um to take it off and didn't expect her to make it again, and she started breathing on her own, then we thought she was doin good, when we got another call saying that my mom had a heart attack and had 3 days or less to live. She wasn't expected to live throught the night but she did but she died at around 8:45 the next morning. So we went to Indiana and had some problems with her mom and all then we finally got that figured out (I <span style="font-weight:bold">hope</span> lol) and we came home. THEN we left for a friends house to go deer hunting (I didn't go this year personally though because I didn't have time to get my hunters safety), and I rode ALL day from riding, to leading, walking to galloping I was with the horses all day. That was Monday, I rode bareback some Sunday when we got there and then yesterday I didn't get to ride because it was freezing because of like 40 mile an hour winds but I hung out with the horses almost all day again then left to come home. (Dad didn't get any deer so hes going to do black powder this year.) So I am soooo sore! LOL. But over all the trip was fun. <br>Brownies to those who read all of this, just thought I owed you guys an explenation. </span>
I <3 Keith Urban!


  • Oh my gosh!!! I am so sorry your mom died!! Were you guys close? Cause you don't seem too sad here... anyways, I am really sorry. :(
  • I was closer to her when she was here at our house. But we knew it was gonna happen it was just kinda sudden. Its really a blessing though because if she would have lived and gotten to the last stage of the disease then it would have been alot sadder. <br>Yeah, Im sad, but you can't dwell on everything, you have to move on. (:
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Not spamming... message me, how long were you apart?
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