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edited November 2011 in Artist Alley
I just started a new story and here is an excerpt. Please leave comments/critique:<br><br>When I walked through the front door that September evening so long ago, it was clear something was wrong. The house wasn't filled with the sounds of Mama humming as she cooked supper. Daddy's recliner was empty and the tv was blank. "Mama?" I called. "Is everything alright?" Silence. "Mama?" I called frantically. I ran to the kitchen and there I found them. Mama and my sisters, Holly and Grace, sat around the table staring blankly at one another. I looked from one tear-stained face to the other. "What's going on?" I managed. They glanced my way but didn't seem to comprehend my question. "Will someone please tell me what's going on?!" I demanded: It was Mama who spoke first. "Daddy was in a car accident on his way home from work today," she said, her voice shaking. Grace began whimpering. Holly put her arms around our sister and whispered something in her ear. "He's ok though right?" I asked, but I already knew what her answer would be. Mama shook her head slowly, confirming my worst fears. Fresh tears slid down her face. "It was a head-on collision," she choked out. "Lizzie, he didn't make it." My whole body went numb. My father was dead. Thoughts were racing through my mind. <span style="font-style:italic">Mama didn't work. How would we pay the bills? We'd have to sell the farm. What would happen to us then?</span> Before I knew what had happened, I was on the floor, trembling uncontrollably. Mama was at my side in an instant, rubbing my back soothingly. After a while I was able to stand. I murmured something about going to bed and pulled myself up the stairs. I quickly showered and climbed into bed. Only then did the tears come. I gasped and sobbed until I couldn't breathe. I would never see Daddy again. He wouldn't be sitting I his favorite recliner, watching the football game when I in from exercising my horse. We would never go on another father/daughter fishing trip. I would never again taste his homemade hamburgers, feel the warmth of his fatherly embrace or hear the sound of his laughter. I fell asleep with the tears still in my eyes.
"I feel infinite." -The Perks of Being a Wallflower


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