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I Want To Give Them A Chance!

edited November 2011 in Vent
So you know how everyone thinks bully breeds are horrible and scary right? I used to think hat but just recently a really thought about it and realized, It's not the dog's fault. So I'm trying hard to accept Pitt Bulls, Staffys, etc. But then, this had to happen.<br><br>Last week at the animal shelter we foster for, a little kid was a attacked by a Pitt Bull and the people at the shelter SHOT the DOG!!! Someone who also fosters said she went back to get something from the dog room and there was blood all over the floor. I absolutely think it's HORRIBLE that they shot the dog however, if it was aggressive enough to attack a child, they should have euthanized it. That's what would have happened to it if it didn't get adopted in two weeks anyway. <br><br>It's been so hard for me to accept these dogs and this just makes it way way harder! I want to give them a chance but it's really hard for me. I hate to admit it but that story sort of frightened me.
"I feel infinite." -The Perks of Being a Wallflower


  • At one time I owned two Pitbulls. They were the sweetest dogs ever, never growled or offered to bite or anything like that. I won't give you a long story about how great those two dogs were, I'm just trying to make the point that not every bully dog is mean and agressive. <br>Any dog has the potential to attack, from a little Chihuahua to a big Newfoundland and everything in between. It's not the dogs fault, its the way they are raised. If a dog is constantly abused (which most shelter dogs are), then you don't know what will trigger it's trauma to come flashing back in its mind.
  • It's not the dog, it's the owner or environment it grew up in. The dog was most likely trying to avoid the child, but the child backed it into a corner trying to pet it, and the dog snapped. That's the most common story, and you know what? It happens with ALL breeds. <br><br>My pit bull saved my life when I was a toddler. Sure, it bit me a couple times, but that's because I didn't grow up with it, it wasn't used to children, and we got it off some bad breeder in Brooklyn with tons of them in his tiny yard (not sure what my mom was thinking). So of course, I was the annoying toddler that always wanted to pet it and pull its ears, and it did snap at me a couple times. A week before my mom gave it to a lady up north with lots of land and no kids, I decided to hobble out of the house and across the street on my own. As a four-year old, you don't really notice things like cars coming at you, but my dog did, and she raised hell with her barking and - according to my mom - plowed into me and pushed me out of the car's way. <br><br>As a side note, I strongly detest kill-shelters. All the shelters in my area are no-kill, thank god.
  • Our shelter used to be no-kill but I live in the south and we have an overflow of puppies. There is never any room left at our shelter because of how many puppies are there.<br><br>Also, the family was looking t dogs and the Pit Bull got out of his fence and went after the kid. I understand that it is just how the dog was raised, it's owner and the environment it was in. I don't know the dog's story but it might have been abused. I think bullies are cute I just feel uneasy around them because I've heard of so many incidents like this around here. Most of the Pits, Rotties, etc that come to our shelter were seized by police officers and had been used to protect drug labs and stuff like that so they were trained to attack.
    "I feel infinite." -The Perks of Being a Wallflower
  • I didn't think dogs that were trained for police services were able to be adopted out to an average home. I believe they have to be under their owner's care (officer) at all times. Due to the fact that a wrong movement could put the dog under the impression that they should be 'doing their job' and possibly attack someone...<br><br>But I could be wrong I suppose.
  • I didn't think dogs that were trained for police services were able to be adopted out to an average home. I believe they have to be under their owner's care (officer) at all times. Due to the fact that a wrong movement could put the dog under the impression that they should be 'doing their job' and possibly attack someone...<br><br>But I could be wrong I suppose.
    <br><br>I think she meant that the dogs were seized from people the police arrested, not they were ex police dogs XD
  • I totally read that wrong, obviously. xD Thank you for redirecting me. =P
  • <span style="font-size:85">As said above all dogs have the potential to attack - I have found the smaller dogs to be more prone to biting probably because they are either a) Intimidated by the size of people or b) They are small and cute so their owners don't discipline them when they do bite! If I had a fiver for every time I've been bitten by a small dog I'd be a millionaire (Used to work as a dog groomer... I don't walk up and pet random dogs as a lifestyle choice XD) but I have never, ever been bitten by anything bigger than a lhasa - but then again that's personal experience.<br><br>Here's another one about 'vicious' dogs. I know people will probably think my father is terrible but when I was a toddler his friend had two Staffies who were 'notorious biters' they were supposed to be on muzzles at all times because they had killed a few cats, bit a dude.. well, yeah they weren't very nice but to me they were so motherly - they were this way with everyone they knew, you wouldn't find a more loyal dog despite their horrible pasts. My dad used to put me in the garden with them and if I toppled over they would panic and start barking. </span>
  • I have one of the notorious "Pit Bulls" sitting next to me right now. She's such a sweety! My brother has two and they are both sweet and protective just as well. In my opinion bullies are an amazing breed and also my own personal favorite. My chihuahua bites more than these three "bullies" xD
  • Every owner I'v met who has owned a bully breed and this inclues Pitbulls, Bull Terriers and so on would say its how you bring the dog up, I have met a few who say the same too but also put in my head you must always know where the dog is.<br><br>I also do believe there is a trigger behind a lot of the attacks, that dog could of had something bad happen in his/her pass with childern? you never know.<br><br>I must say I do love pitbulls but I do hate it when people come to the shelter I work and see a Tan and White Red Nose and say how much they love his colours and such and as soon as you tell them pitbull cross they just walk away and say they do not like the breed.<br><br>I think people need to open their eyes and not judge a book by its cover just becuase one dog has attacked wont mean all will.<br><br>Its just a sad case of Pitbulls being the target breed right now, like other breeds used to be.
    656 Gifties
  • I just looked these up on google:<br><br><br>Website: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">Clicky.</a><br><br>
    The world’s most aggressive dog breed though has to be the Pit Bull Terrier, accounting for more mauling’s, injuries and even deaths to other animals and people. They are the breed that is covered the most in the news when it comes to dog attacks. Of course it is not usually the dogs fault when they do attack as it’s purely down to their own animal instincts, but attacks can usually be put down to their irresponsible owners.. Athough pit bulls are ‘generally’ quite gentle and can make a well loved pet.
    <br><br>Website: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">Clicky.</a><br><br>
    1. Dalmatian<br>2. Boxer<br>3. Presa Canario<br>4. Chow Chow<br>5. Doberman Pinschers<br>6. Alaskan Malamutes<br>7. Huskies<br>8. German Shepherds<br>9. Rottweiler<br>10. Pit Bulls
  • Any dogs gonna attack depending on the way its raised and its life. Someone got a wheatie from us and they also had a pittie. The pittie was the sweetest thing, I liked her more then I liked their wheaty puppy. XD They had 3 smaller kids too. <br><br>Also I've been attacked by one of our wheaties Willie multiple times now. He was locked in a mud room for the first 3 and a half years of his life. I get bitten by him weekly, he snarls. He hates me but I loves my mom, which means he has been awesome to rehome.<br><br>Finally, my grandmas airedale Teegan. Teegan spent 2 years in a kennel (she was going to get shown) and always goes after me when I go over there, she's fine with everyone else. Well recently we found out I look and sound like one of the girls who worked at the kennel, who lost her job after finding she was beating one of the dogs.
  • Yea! Like I said, my Chihuahua is way more aggressive than the three pit bulls we have xD<br><br>My boyfriends best friend breeds them (Yes hes certified and everything not a BYB) and he has this male pit that stands about 2 1/2 feet tall and is muscular as HECK. He almost pulls over grown men when he pulls against his chain/leash. They have to have him on a chain for his runner cause hes broken all the cables they have tried putting on him =( Well when you go over there, he starts barking and lunging at you, and like when his chain catches he pulls against it and stands on two legs (its really rather scary xD) but it's him wanting to play xD When you walk over there he jumps up on you wagging his tail and licking you! I was sitting on the porch and y boyfriends friend let him off, (his name is Roscoe btw) anyways, Roscoe came running over to me barking and jumped in my lap xD he squished me but he was so lovable! That's the same way my brothers pit is, he growls and barks if your a stranger or if hes scared, but with people he knows or if my brother is in the yard (hes a trained guard dog. only barks and growls if a stranger gets close to the house) he wont even move. he will just lay down or try and play with you. When my sister in laws nephew is around him, if connor (nephew) falls over Boomer (Dog) will go crazy barking and pulling at his runner till he gets my brother or his wife's attention and then will go lay down xD its so cute!
  • Oh. No,no,no. I didn't even read the whole story, but when I got to the part when they shot the Pit Bull, I almost blew a fuse. That is... infuriating. To me at least. If the poor dog -had- to die, they could have humanely euthanized it- put it to sleep, etc. That isn't okay... at all. The poor Bully had probably just grown up in a horrible environment, because from all the Pit Bulls I know, they have all been treated great and are incredibly sweet. So, based on what I have learned (I may be wrong) Pit Bulls are thought to be mean and aggressive, because some are bred for fighting, which is horrible. I don't understand why -any- dog or animal should ever have to live through/see that. If I had to see that happen, I would for sure be traumatized for life. Wow.. just wow.
  • So you know how everyone thinks bully breeds are horrible and scary right? I used to think hat but just recently a really thought about it and realized, It's not the dog's fault. So I'm trying hard to accept Pitt Bulls, Staffys, etc. But then, this had to happen.<br><br>Last week at the animal shelter we foster for, a little kid was a attacked by a Pitt Bull and the people at the shelter SHOT the DOG!!! Someone who also fosters said she went back to get something from the dog room and there was blood all over the floor. I absolutely think it's HORRIBLE that they shot the dog however, if it was aggressive enough to attack a child, they should have euthanized it. That's what would have happened to it if it didn't get adopted in two weeks anyway. <br><br>It's been so hard for me to accept these dogs and this just makes it way way harder! I want to give them a chance but it's really hard for me. I hate to admit it but that story sort of frightened me.
    <br>This is horrible! So the dog died on the spot?
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Pumpkin: I know!!! When my mom told me I could hardly process it. How could anyone do that to an animal?!<br><br>Mysterous: As far as I know, yes.<br><br>Everyone Else: I have recently been reading/watching things about Pit Bulls and have learned alot about the breed and I'm coming to understand them more.
    "I feel infinite." -The Perks of Being a Wallflower
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