Some horses just do. When Roman was a baby he ate some of my show mares tail... and ive been growing that thing for YEARS!! x.X she's got a really thin tail and he ate it x.X If youd like you can keep it braided and she shouldnt be able to eat it, or you can keep them seperated.
<br><br>Okay, was just curious (: his hair was crazy enough before she started chewing on it
Aw! I just got my horse a halter in the same blue the halter he has on is. XD<br><br>They look rather alike in the face. You can see a resemblance. <br><br><a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url">Clicky (:</a><br><br>He's very cute. As for getting him to trust/get used to you so that he isn't scared, try just sitting in his paddock a safe distance away, and give him treats so that he knows you are only good for him, not bad. Also, work very slowly around him. They are flight animals. If you want some tips, feel free to PM me. I study horse nature and bonding, so I know all about their ways.
<br><br>I do see the resemblance somewhat! your horse is gorgeous!<br>and i will take any help i can get (:
he has come around alot..hes a hog for attention. i want to upload a video but i havent had the chance..i like the way he looks when he trots around or gets super excited..hes to cute..ive been so surprised with his coat. when our two others shed out they still have a pretty fluffy coat..his is smooth and super shiny without even being brushed..( well except for the under part of his belly, its awful fluffy still) i snapped this picture when we were fixing the shed and thought i would share
Zyndalee: thank you! and ha ha i have yet to ever see another horse that looks like him. atleast around here that is.<br><br>VampireVenom: lol its been a nice change! i can brush and brush on elvis and he still has fuzzies and its like one swipe and bo is smooth. how are all your babies doing? any new pictures?
I've never seen a horse like him either. Just one more thing: What is that color called?? I must have one. xD If another horse is ever an option (I have four already), im getting one like him. (If even possible). Doubt it. But I can dream; right?
Zynda: Elvis would be considered a "leopard appaloosa" My best friend has one as a stud. They're stunning!! I plan on breeding show apps one of these days! When i can afford it xD<br><br>Kels: My babies are all good! Ro is finally shedded out and we're about to start working on manners again and start ground driving once my show this weekend is finished. Nova is still slowly but steadily gaining her weight back after the drought. I plan on jumping on her with full force once my show is over as well and really get her riding well. She's not spooky and she'll go where i guide but she's got a lot of learning to do and im ready to work on her some. And Rosie.... weeell.... For about a week Rosie was being the best horse EVER with no pulling on me or fits and her head was down and i was riding her on a loose rein and suddenly she has reverted into pulling head tossing and not listening again... right in time for her first show this weekend! Oh well! I decided its good experience for her. She's outside drying from her bath. The parade is today =O ill have to find my computer charger to get pictures!
vet not sure what happened..but he had huge gash in his face and some other marks here and there..think it might have been the foxes we have running around here..
Aw, that stinks. My horse just did the same. He cut himself on the fence but the vet said because of the location on his leg the skin is too tight for stitches. He's got a huge lump bigger than a quarter right by his cannon bone and it's like all pussy and gross. When he first got it is was like half a cm deep. but he's better now.<br><br>Good luck with Bo! He looks great!
Aw, that stinks. My horse just did the same. He cut himself on the fence but the vet said because of the location on his leg the skin is too tight for stitches. He's got a huge lump bigger than a quarter right by his cannon bone and it's like all *edited* and gross. When he first got it is was like half a cm deep. but he's better now.<br><br>Good luck with Bo! He looks great!
<br><br>oh wow. glad he's doing better!! Horses and their accidents! Our appy gelding i swear is accident prone...any new pics of your boy?<br>and thanks! he is really coming along..leads, ties and will load and back out of a trailer, and lounges decently and is getting better with his hoofs.
I bet he's grown like a weed if he's almost a year old! Ro is going on 16 mo and i keep having people ask me who he is and when i tell them they cant BELIEVE he's as mature as he is. He almost looks grown!
I Keith Urban!
I Keith Urban!