This <a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url">guide</a> shows you what stats and skills are required for certain events. What you can do is look at your dogs individual stats and compare them to what is on that guide. If a particular dog of yours seems to match, say Showmanship, then you'll want to train it up for that.<br><br>Since they're Maltese, you could try the show-type events (showmanship, obedience) or possibly try sporting events (agility, flyball, etc.). I think you'd want to lower aggression for obedience as it counts against the dog, otherwise you could RH or let it stay about where it's currently at. <br><br>So I'd recommend either 100 discipline/100 show or 100 discipline/100 sport. 80 in whatever skill. RH or FP based upon your preferences.
Lol I noticed that Vamp =D I saw the VVT and i was like heyyy haha =D but thankss for the suggestions =D I think I may go sporting on half and showmanship, obedience on the other half =] or try 1 or 2 of each and see how they do =D
ehh yeaa I'll probably just do sporting then. I don't want to age them to much because I wanna show them and I don't wanna just let them rot in a boarding kennel.. so yeaa lol sporting it is =D so would it be better to do 100 disc and sport and 80 work or 80 show??
On an indefinite hiatus.