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What the heck? We have snow in the forecast, for tomorrow night! I love snow, don't get me wrong, but it's a bit early, don't ya think? Halloween hasn't even gone by! I beg for snow a lot, but not this early! Oooh. It's gonna be a long winter. My poor friend's are doing a haunted hayride sort of thing on Saturday, and if it snows on Thursday, they might just freeze! <br><br>Anybody else have this.. Small issue?


  • Im still living in 85 degree weather which is actually considered pretty cold here haha! Soo not really ;D
  • *gasp* Frost said the really bad "s" word!...I hate snow >.< Seems too early to me for it to snow, then again we might be in a different region.
  • I hate snow. I hope it doesn't snow before Nov. 12! Im going on a trip and I don't want it to snow while were hunting or while Im riding!
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • New England. Still too early to snow here! <br><br>Lol, Myst. I don't want it to snow until after I get my airsoft, and play a few times! D:
  • Oh. My. Gosh. I love snow!!! You are so lucky!!! Yeah same as Vampy, it's still in the 80's here. *Pouts*
  • lol VAmpy, 80 is cold for YOU. It gets into the 40's here during winter time, but currently we are having 85+ degree weather then it will drop to 56 then go back up the next day. Texas is bipolar.
  • We've got a bit of snow in the forecast I think, but it's like that most years in CNY. But I have a problem with heat intolerance, so I welcome the cold. lol
  • *nods* my hands and feet have already started to freeze off which they do 24/7 all winter -.- we had to cancel our field trip we where going on because we were walking there to have a picnic in an area that the caritures in out book used to vist. I'm pretty sure I'll get snow at y house because I live on the moutain... Fun -.-
  • Garnet wrote:
    lol VAmpy, 80 is cold for YOU. It gets into the 40's here during winter time, but currently we are having 85+ degree weather then it will drop to 56 then go back up the next day. Texas is bipolar.
    <br><br> I freeze in class everyday and i even wear fleece lined shoes x.X i think im cold blooded. Blah. One day when it was cold here, i had my room at 90 degrees and my dad came in telling me it was too hot and he turned my bedroom heater off. I got up and turned it back on haha!! I wasnt even hot.
  • It was blizzarding today in Colorado, my friend was snowed in :lol: <br>And tomorrow it's supposed to snow here. Why -_-
  • pretty sure the temp. here hasnt gone over 55 degress when i left for school this morning it was 34 degres
  • Garnet wrote:
    lol VAmpy, 80 is cold for YOU. It gets into the 40's here during winter time, but currently we are having 85+ degree weather then it will drop to 56 then go back up the next day. Texas is bipolar.
    <br><br> I freeze in class everyday and i even wear fleece lined shoes x.X i think im cold blooded. Blah. One day when it was cold here, i had my room at 90 degrees and my dad came in telling me it was too hot and he turned my bedroom heater off. I got up and turned it back on haha!! I wasnt even hot.
    <br>Lol, I am too! I get SO cold sometimes! Other people are like "oh you think its cold?" XD
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Maxxy wrote:
    It was blizzarding today in Colorado, my friend was snowed in :lol: <br>And tomorrow it's supposed to snow here. Why -_-
    <br><br><br>B-b-blizzard? Snowed in? *Sigh* Welcome winter.<br><br>Yeah, Mac, it's 39 right now, and I'm about to leave for school. Not suppose to get higher than 45 degrees, on top of rain.
  • D: No S WORD... It cant S word till the goats get moved...<br><br><br>No snow in wisco's forcast :D
  • It's starting to get cold here. We've been getting frost every night and it's been in the low 60's and 50's. I can't wait for snow! I love it but if it's anything like last year... I don't know. I kind of liked last year. I was snowed in my house for three days. My truck was actually frozen to the ground. Eek!
  • Haha, one of my favorite things about snow is my stepdad and his little Grand AM trying to get up the driveway. Oh, god, it's hilarious to watch. This man is SO impaitent, so he just floors the poor car, gets halfway up the hill, and almost gets sent into the woods because it slips. Then backs down the driveway, tries again, fails, gets out of the car all flustered and upset, salts and sands, tries again, fails. This can go on for up to an hour. :shock: <br><br>We havent even had a frost yet!
  • Oh my gosh! You just described my truck and my driveway. My drive is a pretty steep hill so unless you have 4 wheel drive, it is extremely difficult to get up it.
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