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Bad Bad BAd Day! :(

edited October 2011 in Vent
...ugh..<br><br>Well school itself has just sucked.... <br><br>I have no classes with any of my friends, except 7th.. but I don't get to talk 2 her. <br>And Everyone seems to be..tense.. <br><br>But here is today.... <br><br>It started when I was walking with one of my friends, I'll call her Ash.. (yes this is the same person I used ASH for last time) <br>We were just talking about nothing really when out of the blue she says if you and (lets call her Sara, I can't remember her old vent name) can't get along then I can't be friends with either of yall. And then she walks into her classroom. I'm upset and I keep walking to my Jazz Band class, I see "Sara" and I try to talk to her because I don't want to loose Ash, since we have been friends for 5 years. She gives me a spiteful look and doesn't even listen to me. <br><br>(now here is the back story.) <br>Me and Sara never got along, but I have always tried to be nice to her because she is Ash's new best friend..even though Sara came into the picture not even a year ago and I have been there for Ash for FIVE years! ( I was there for her when her sister ran away for 3 days and when both our Aunts past away not 2 weeks apart. We were together through thick and thin!) So every time I see Sara and Ash, I tell Sara hey and I talk to Ash for a moment and head on my way because everytime Sara sees me she gives me them evil looks and Ash ALWAYS defends her and gets mad at me!!! Yes I say things, but not to her.. I hold my tongue and express my feeling with Ash and tell her how I feel about the situation. But Sara complains about me 24/7!! .... <br><br>(The 2nd thing that happen today was with my another one of my besties and her 6 month boyfriend) <br><br>OK so here is what happened... <br>I was putting up my clarinet after Jazz Band and I overheard one of my supposed bestfriends (we will call her Case) sucking up to our bestfriends boyfriend(who we will call Greg) telling her how I'm going with his girlfriend and my closest friend to the fair. I ignore it and go to my seat... <br>Bellrings and I walk out..furious and near tears.. <br>I see MY besty( I'll call her Lexi) who is Greg's girlfriend walk up to Greg and they do their little romancy thing..<br>I hear him say." SO U GAVE KIWI A FREE PASS TO GO WITH US! SHE BETTER NOT BE AROUND US!" <br>I turn around and my eyes are watery and I'm furious as well as hurt.."Don't worry I won't be know where near yall!" And I storm off before they saw me cry...(i did that infront of another friend..) <br><br>(backstory time..hehe) <br>Me and Lexi have been friends for 3 years and we have always been close... <br>She has been dating Greg for almost 6 months..... and in my opinion he is terrible! <br>He treats her like a child! Punches the wall when she does something she don't like! He wants her to do something extremly stupid with him! He yells at her and gets mad everytime she does something that he don't like, he hits on our besty (Case, who lets him and then flirts back) just so he can get what he wants! Treats everyone else like crap! CRontrols her every move and prevents her from doing anything without him! And got mad because she has plans to spend the night at my house! <br>Even after ll that I don't say that she needs to dump him and how terrible he is... because I know how much he means to her!! <br><br><br><br>(I'll write more in a fingers hurt and I'm exhausted...)
SmiLe :)



  • I'm sorry Kiwi, that must suck, feel free to vent to me :(
    Here have a band-aid
  • I know I can always talk to you! :) <br>You is just awesome like that!!!!
    SmiLe :)

  • Trust me, no matter how much that boy means to your best friend it sounds like she's in a relationship she needs to get out of.... if it's really how you say it is then it sounds borderline abusive, and that line is easy to cross. What happens when he decides to hit her, instead of the wall? As for the part where he's trying to get between you two, that's a pretty common tactic for abusive partners... if they cut off their partners support system then there's nobody to turn to for help. My aunt ignored those signs early into her relationship, and now almost 10 years later she's been beaten up so many times I've lost count. She's tried to leave a bunch of times, but the longer you wait the harder it gets. My sister was in the same sort of situation, she almost married the guy she was with, but one day he went too far and she left... best choice she ever made. <br><br>As for the part about your other best friend, middle/high school relationships are difficult, and all you can really do is what you're doing now and deal with it. Have you tried talking to the girl and asking her what her problem with you is? Maybe you did something at some point that hurt your feelings and forgot about it, or maybe she sees you as a threat because you have more friends/get better grades than her/something like that? In any case, just remember that you'll get through it, and(sad as it is) while right now it seems like your school friends will be there forever that's not always how things turn out. People grow apart sometimes, it's part of life, but at least you always have the good memories and the things you learned from the friendship.
  • I agree with Trianna about telling her that her relationship isnt good, or the right way to go about the relationship however telling her straight out may not work. People in relationships are blind to how bad things really are, and I know that cause ive been there, no matter how much someone told me he was bad I wouldnt pay attention (just so you lot know im not with him anymore). You need to show her how bad he is, you need to show her that there are better people out there, and when it all crumbles down you need to be there for her. You could also hint at the bad things about him, and if shes young (say around 13-17) she'll probably stop going out with him, since when you start learning about life more and experiencing it, you realise things are different than they seem and that how he acts isnt right. To be honest it wouldnt surprise me if she found someone who was kind to her, she'd soon realise her relationship is bad.
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • Ummmm... this Ash girl doesn't seem like much of a friend. I don't care how long you have known her, only a true friend would still be yours even if you may not get along with someone else. I'd talk to her and tell her how you feel. Otherwise, nothing's going to happen. Trust me, I have been through the same exact thing and it wasn't fun. If she still doesn't change her feelings, then she is -no- friend that you need. <br><br>I don't know about the other two, but I hope things get better. <33
  • PM me.we shall have a pm marathon.thus,you can talk to mez! cuz im awesome like that lol
  • You can always pm me to talk about it. I have had many sucky friend's in the past =P
    "I feel infinite." -The Perks of Being a Wallflower
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