Money should grow on tree's. Now, I don't have (or need) a job just yet.. so my source of income is christmas, my birthday, and any money I find or win. Since my birthday falls on a winter month, and so does Christmas, there is a huge lapse in between. I refuse to put it in a bank, which yes, yes it is very irresponsible of me. So, needless to say, it gets spent pretty fast. Now, I've decided I want an airsoft gun, mind you, most of these things aren't cheap, nor am I starting cheap. I've picked out a 50 dollar airsoft and it's kind of like, "okay what can I sell?" It doesn't help to have my friends breathing down my neck, everyday I get "Did ya order it yet?"<br><br>Meanwhile.. my airsoft vest came in! I was literally walking around the house in it until my mom decided it'd be fun to "test" the vest and shoot rubber bands at me. Well, she missed the vest area a few times and I haven't worn it since. XD
My Kennel
First 8x4's Belgian Laekenois
First 9x4's Belgian Shepards
First 10x4 Australian Silky Terriers
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