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Dog Training...

Okay, so my dog is doing SO well in training, I have decided to train her to barrel race, shes got the speed part down, I tell her to go and she speeds off and turns around and runs back, and I cluck to make her go faster, seriously, its like she was supposed to be a horse and turned out a dog. xD She has an awesome sliding stop too! Im gonna have to get little mini barrels for her to run around hahahaha. Then Im gonna move on to other horse discliplines, I wanna teach her all the western discliplines and MAYBE dressage, that would be AMAZING, XD but for sure jumping hahaha. I'll post pictures and videos as we go. <3 Im so weird. xD On walks instead of acting like shes a dog I cluck to her and do horse cues, LOL!
I <3 Keith Urban!


  • Yepp lol. Hehehehe.
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Sounds like fun :D (iv try numerous times to get my dogs to lounge but they just don't want to!) If you need an help im here :) *flails with need to help*
  • Lol! (: Awesome! Thanks! LOL. <br>Are you the one that was gonna try to get a job with horses or somethin? That would be cool!<br>Maybe you need a lunging cavesson lol! I tried joining up with my dog, it <span style="font-style:italic">kindof</span> worked hahahaha. That was the day I taught her "through" and "in", so now she knows "in","through","kennel","sit","go",woah,she responds to simple horse cues,etc. Lol, I tried teaching her dog tricks, like shake,etc. She does them but she doesn't really like to you can tell lol.
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Yes! I want to exerciser ride (for people who don't have time for their horse) or just muck out stalls even. But I know when i get older I want to work with dogs.<br>Lol, just teach it like an agility jump. Put the bar on the ground and then once she is going over that start to raise it. It is actually quite simple.
  • Cool! Any luck with that so far?<br>Awesome!
    I <3 Keith Urban!
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