I am interested in entering cavie completions but I'm not to sure if my Guinea pigs are right for shows, please can anyone tell me if these Guinea pigs can show? Thank you!<br><br> Biscuit -<br><br> <a href="http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb349/Collie99/Guineapigs014.jpg" target="_blank" class="bb-url">http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb3 ... igs014.jpg</a><br> <a href="http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb349/Collie99/Guineapigs010.jpg" target="_blank" class="bb-url">http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb3 ... igs010.jpg</a><br><br> Biscuit is friendly, brave, playful and very mischieveous. She is a crossbreed that I brought from a very good breeder with loads of experience in breeding Cavies. She has about eight rosettes all around her body. The breeder I got her from shows Cavies, and her Guinea Pig stock is great. Her ears are perfect, with no bite/scratch/rip marks in them. She is ginger and white.<br><br> Hazel -<br><br> <a href="http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb349/Collie99/Guineapigs024.jpg" target="_blank" class="bb-url">http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb3 ... igs024.jpg</a><br> <a href="http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb349/Collie99/Guineapigs025.jpg" target="_blank" class="bb-url">http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb3 ... igs025.jpg</a><br><br> Hazel is a sweet natured Guinea pig who is very happy just to lay around all day and watch the world go by. She is tri-coloured (Black, white with a ginger patch around her eye.) Her coat is smooth haired but her parents had rosettes in there hair. She also a crossbreed and I got her from the same breeder as Biscuit. Her ears are perfect as well, with no bite/scratch/rip marks in them. Hazel has more of a of a pear shaped body with a big bum. She also weighs more then the others.<br><br> Toffee-<br><br> <a href="http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb349/Collie99/Guineapigs033.jpg" target="_blank" class="bb-url">http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb3 ... igs033.jpg</a><br><br> Toffee is the shyest out of them all. She will run and hide if she hears anythings. She has light and dark brown coloured hair which also has rosettes in it. Her ears are perfect as well, and she also came from the same breeder as the rest did. <br><br>All of them don't have and bugs in their coat and their eyes and ears are perfect with no bite marks in them. Their eyes are clear and healthy. They are all healthy and all and not pregnant. <br><br>Could anyone please tell me which one would be the best to take to shows with?<br><br>Also can anyone tell me about Cavie shows? Or what breed my Cavies posibley are?
Biscut and Toffee seems to Abyssinian Guinea Pig. For them to show the Abyssinian must have a minimum of 8 rosettes, in a symmetrical pattern. <br><br>Hazel seems to be an American Guinea Pig aka the English Cavy.<br><br>For you to professionally show your pigges they must have a pedigree. But I think for common shows any pigge may enter. I think Biscut is the best bet since he has 8 rosettes.
My Kennel First 8x4's Belgian Laekenois First 9x4's Belgian Shepards First 10x4 Australian Silky Terriers
Thank you! I was going to show these three first as pets, and If i'm good at showing I'll might be buying a pure bred. Biscuits Rosettes are symmetrica, but she doesn't have clear Rosettes on her shoulders. Toffee only has 5 Rosettes. I'll be calling the breeder to see if Biscuit and Toffee are pure bred or not. I think Biscuits dad got showed, though I'm not positive. I know that Hazel is a crossbred as the breeder told us that her mum was a long haired breed and her dad had Rosettes on him. But Hazel's coat turned out short and smooth. <br><br>Thank you!!!!<br><br>I was thinking about getting some new sows, does anyone have any nice names I could call them? Thankies!
<span style="color:#8080FF"><span style="font-size:85">They're stunning! (:<br><br>The ACBA website is good to look at. Basically, do some research- depending on where you live, and what club you would put them in. My friend attends shows for guineas that are mixed. For now, I'd start researching, and practice with your pigs. Using a box and letting them stand on it is fine. xD The shows are a lot of fun. They can be overwhelming for some pigs, my baby pigs especially-are not fond of them. Good luck! Let us know what the breeder says about your pigs.</span></span>
Thank you guys so much! That website really help, thank you! I might be getting a Male Purebred Rex Cavie to breed with a sow, though I'm not too sure yet! I'll put up a page in Animal photos& storys and keep you guys updated with things. Thank you some mugh though, you guys help a load!
<span style="color:#8080FF"><span style="font-size:85">My friend has a male Rex, he's adorable. >:D <br><br>Does Lilly like your piggies? My dogs -love- them.</span></span>
I Keith Urban!
My Kennel
First 8x4's Belgian Laekenois
First 9x4's Belgian Shepards
First 10x4 Australian Silky Terriers