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Doctors are stupid

edited October 2011 in Vent
So I went to the doctors surgery today, the one ive been to all my life, and im asthmatic, so i asked for a new inhaler since mine had ran out, and he said to me 'are you asthmatic' & i was thinking yep, you have a pc there that could tell you that from my records. Stupid man, I think he wasn't going to give me one. And then at the chemist which I also always go to and have got inhalers there before, the woman who incidentally gave me an inhaler last time, asked me if I had used that kind of inhaler before and stuff. It's like grrr, if i hadn't have known how to use it the doctor would have told me, some people are just stupid.
Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt


  • Or people are cautious and don't want to have the responsibility of you not knowing what you're doing on their hands. Someone confirming what the problem is shouldn't bother you, it should make you feel more secure. Perhaps he was making sure he had the right records or that the wrong x-ray wasn't placed in your records. The doctor has pictures of your lungs, but do the records contain a picture of your face? What if the nurse had given the records for someone else? What if you weren't asthmatic and he gave you medicine for asthma when you needed medicine for a bleeding ulcer. Surely you don't expect anyone who has seen hundreds, perhaps thousands of people since the last time they saw you to remember who you are and what your problems are, what you remember. The poor pharmacist has probably seen even more people than the doctor since she gets patients from numerous doctors as well as walk ins.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • Alabama wrote:
    Or people are cautious and don't want to have the responsibility of you not knowing what you're doing on their hands. Someone confirming what the problem is shouldn't bother you, it should make you feel more secure. Perhaps he was making sure he had the right records or that the wrong x-ray wasn't placed in your records. The doctor has pictures of your lungs, but do the records contain a picture of your face? What if the nurse had given the records for someone else? What if you weren't asthmatic and he gave you medicine for asthma when you needed medicine for a bleeding ulcer. Surely you don't expect anyone who has seen hundreds, perhaps thousands of people since the last time they saw you to remember who you are and what your problems are, what you remember. The poor pharmacist has probably seen even more people than the doctor since she gets patients from numerous doctors as well as walk ins.
    <br><br>Agreed, I feel very insecure when a doctor rushes me in and out of the room without asking very many questions. The more questions, the more accurate the diagnosis and medication is going to be, right? =D<br><br>And I don't think doctors are stupid after going to school all the years that they did. Some don't care as much as they should, however.
  • well the doctor in question didn't hesitate in giving me medication I was in for without inspection which has FAR more and FAR worse side effects than an inhaler, but then asked me tons of questions about my asthma, and i was thinking, shouldn't you be making sure I actually have what I say I have (for the reason of the appointment) and not the asthma. Especially when i saw the possible side effects of the tablet he gave me
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
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