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"Screwed up shelter dogs"

edited October 2011 in Vent
I saw someone say this on some website (not actually sure what one it was).<br><br><br><ul class="bb-list-unordered"><span style="font-style:italic">"Not all people want mutts or <span style="font-weight:bold">screwed up shelter dogs.</span><br>They want PUPPIES and some want purebred."</span><br></ul><br><br>...I actually think they should re-word the "screwed up shelter dogs" part. D: I, personally, think a great majority of shelter dogs are sweet, friendly animals that just need a stable home and owner that loves them. <3<br><br>I'm sure many people would disagree with shelter dogs being screwed up.


  • I agree with you. <3
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • That really makes me upset. I work with shelter dog's, and many of them are extremely sweet, normal dog's. Who, in this economy, their poor owners had to give up because of the expenses of owning a dog. I've watched these surrenders, and it is a very emotional time. For dog and owner alike. The dog doesn't understand. A lot of shelter dog's are purebred, if you walk down the isle of kennels at my shelter, it is split half and half. Mutts and Purebreds. I see very few "screwed up" ones. Screwed up is not the correct term, I agree. A lot of it is shyness from abuse, or lack of proper care and a good owner. A routine along with a little TLC and most of those dog's come right out of their shells.
  • What some people don't know is that shelters have many purebred dogs in them. There are even rescues that help a certian breed (greyhounds, retired police dogs). They obviously didn't do there homework on shelters and rescues.
    My Kennel
    First 8x4's Belgian Laekenois
    First 9x4's Belgian Shepards
    First 10x4 Australian Silky Terriers
  • I agree with everyone. In the small-town shelters here there is rarely a purebred. However, someone could easily take in a purebred that soon has to be surrendered to a shelter due to a family not being able to afford keeping them, moving and no arrangements could be made for the dog, etc.<br><br>Shelter dogs may need a little more training, care, supervision, etc. at first or even in the long run, but I say that's a small price to pay for recieving love from a dog.
  • Omg that hurts.. shelter dogs are usually super sweet D:
  • It sickens me because the girl I got Maggie from abuses her dogs. And she was supposed to give the female (she has 2 males and a female together, non are neutered/spayed) to the shelter, pure bred Blue Heeler, great dog, but she never did, and had ANOTHER litter (thats like her 7th litter now) of puppies and she STILL won't give her to the shelter, because "it costs too much." She was surprised when I wanted to help get her a new home on craigslist, I remembered EVERYTHING there is to know about this dog, and then she just won't give it away, I got a call that night I posted it and Chey never called him back.
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • It sickens me because the girl I got Maggie from abuses her dogs. And she was supposed to give the female (she has 2 males and a female together, non are neutered/spayed) to the shelter, pure bred Blue Heeler, great dog, but she never did, and had ANOTHER litter (thats like her 7th litter now) of puppies and she STILL won't give her to the shelter, because "it costs too much." She was surprised when I wanted to help get her a new home on craigslist, I remembered EVERYTHING there is to know about this dog, and then she just won't give it away, I got a call that night I posted it and Chey never called him back.
    <br><br>If she abuses them, and you know that for a fact, get someone else involved. You can't expect most people to just hand the dog over.
  • The people who said that are screwed up!!! That's just makes me upset. ):
  • Just a qustion, Didn't you get Czar from a breeder?<br><br><br>Honestly that is 100% untrue. What about all the puppy mill dogs, hu? They are all purebreds and most have litters of puppies with them or inside them and you could adopt one of those. If you get a puppy that was BORN at the shelter it would bee 1000% better then a backyard breeder because it was work wit by all the different staff. Plus a lot of though dogs there we only given up do to economical reasons. I have a dog sitting at my feet that proves that whole sentence wrong, he is a puppy, he is a purebred, and he isnt screwed up (ok he is a little reactive BUT we are working on it and I know how to deal wit hit).
  • Yes, Czar was from a breeder.<br><br>I agree that many shelter dogs are good dogs. Many come with seperation anxiety or an issue similar but if an owner is dedicated enough, they can work through the problem and make an awesome companion.
  • When I was younger we got a dog from a shelter and he was fine, at first he did have separation anxiety but then when he realised I came home at the same time every night he got used to it, and we tried putting on the radio and things. I love shelter dogs they are cute, and like any other. My mum's pets are all from animal shelters except for a kitten we gave her cause my cat got pregnant. My mums dog also had separation anxiety but since getting the kitten (it's new best friend) the dog is fine. So I don't know why they say the dogs are screwed up.<br><br>We are having to give our cats to the shelter :( since my dads gf is extremely allergic to fleas, and any time the cats get fleas she gets bitten and has an allergic reaction. So we can't risk the cats getting fleas
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • I've worked at a shelter for the last two years and let me tell you... not every dog that comes in has issues. Very few actually have real problems. Most of the dogs come in from animal control as strays. But... but, that means they are escape artists! No, that means they had an irresponsible owner. Oh, but I want a purebred dog, not a mutt. Over half the dogs in our shelter are purebred. But I want a puppy! Again, quite a few of our dogs are purebred puppies. <br><br>People make me mad! If they're not willing to take one of our dogs for who they are or try to understand them, then I don't want you to have one of our dogs anyway. Good bye. I wish more people were understanding but what can we do?
  • I'm planning on adopting from a rescue when I'm moved out for a few years. I've planned to wait it out as long as I can until I find the dog that's right for my lifestyle, ie. another Chihuahua/mix or another similar breed/mix.<br><br>I honestly find no point in adopting if you're going to bring a dog into your life that isn't at all suited for it... like a person who doesn't exercise very often - if at all - adopting a Husky/mix... the dog isn't going to be at it's happiest if it has to lay around all day. In fact, it's going to pick up bad behaviors from being bored. This is probably partially why shelter dogs are known to be 'bad dogs,' the wrong family adopts them and they do end up acting 'bad' because they're not getting the right attention. Although, this goes for anyone that gets any dog, from a breeder, rescue, or a 'for sale' ad.
  • Every pet I own (except the Brittany Spaniel) is from our local high kill shelter or picked up off the road. Hannah is a beautiful Lab/German Sheoherd that someone through out of their car in front if my grandma's house. Emily was my aunt's foster (from our shelter) and now she is the sweetest Rat Terrier mix you will ever meet. Callie was also a foster she is a toy Fox Terrier. Dimples is a Great Pyrenese mix and she is extremely shy. She is terrified of most people. We think she was abused. Tux wandered up to our house and is now my Border Collie baby(: Sarah fell out from under the car in from of my mom on her way to ork when she was a tiny kitten. We think she got some brain damage when she fell because she has this tendency, when you are petting her to roll over on her back, smack you with her claws and then run away. Also when I play my guitar she runs around acting crazy. Ginger was from a breeder. We searched online and at shelters for a female orange/white Brittany puppy (Emily is the only dog we've had since she was a baby so we wanted and actual puppy) and the closest one we could find was two states away so we went to a breeder. Turns out, my best friend's dog Meg's sister is Ginger's mom. <br>I so disagree with that staement too guys! Since I foster, I see lots of dogs at the shelter and there are rarely dogs who are not jumping on the fence, happy to see you. I live in a tiny town and we still get at least three purebred Pit Bulls everytime I'm there. Another foster adopted out two purbred 9 month old Rottweiler siblings just lat week. I have at my house a 5 month old purebred Black and Tan Coonhound I've had since he was six weeks old.
    "I feel infinite." -The Perks of Being a Wallflower
  • This topic's last post was October 7th..
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