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Calling All Artists!

Hey there, I've seen some AMAZING work from playeres. I'm looking for a mentor in which I will gladly give gifts to if someone is willing to help me out when it comes to signitures and banners. I have no idea how you can get a signiture that blends with any background (like a graphic) and need some help cutting images and blending (layering) without the original background. I have basic knowledge and use Paint.NET; however, It only goes so far. I'm extremely interested in improving my artistic skills so PLEASE any imput, adivce or tips will be greatly appreciated. <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Offering: </span><br><br>10x4 Dalmations w. great stats<br><br>Private gifties: 1-5oak (Maybe a 10x4 husky 2 OAK or a 8x4 goldie 2 OAK.<br><span style="font-style:italic">I have a few 1 OAK's that I made myself, so I'd want to keep a color for myself.</span><br><br>9x4 Native American Indian Dogs. (May sell INTACT if your teachings are extremly helpful)<br><br>Free stat and skill maxes<br><br>VPC<br><br>Free breedings<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><span style="font-style:italic">So please, any advice or websites (programs) are greatly appreciated!</span>


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