oooh ooh!!!I just seen the new photo :P It's great the way you placed the dog,but I would suggest making the places where you cut the photo less visible,maybe use a smudge tool?
Not playing anymore...just popping on to get some art every now and then until my VPC runs out xD.
Thankiess Paradise! <br>Yea I was noticing that s Zenny! Just didn't know what do use to fix it =]] I can use GIMP for that correct?? I have GIMP and Photoshop but don't use either for my graphics to be honest lol because I'm kinda lost when I use either of them lol.
Thankiess Paradise! <br>Yea I was noticing that s Zenny! Just didn't know what do use to fix it =]] I can use GIMP for that correct?? I have GIMP and Photoshop but don't use either for my graphics to be honest lol because I'm kinda lost when I use either of them lol.
<br>Yep!I use GIMP for all my graphics,there's a little button on the tool bar that's a hand and that's the smudge button.If you need any help or have questions how to use it pm me!
Not playing anymore...just popping on to get some art every now and then until my VPC runs out xD.
the new one is better but did you use the burn or the smudge tool?If you used the smudge tool the only thing I'd suggest is to make the cursur a little small(like the third smallest dot)so it doesn't make the actual image smduged,just the cut lines
Not playing anymore...just popping on to get some art every now and then until my VPC runs out xD.
I suggest using more crisp, clear images because I'm noticed a lot of bad quality ones or at least ones that have been resized too big. Photos from corbis or flickr are great to use and lots of them are very professional (though not all of them).<br><br>Another suggestion would to be using more photo-backgrounds than plain design/color ones. It adds a more realistic feel to the banner/dog picture and blends nicer.<br><br>You are on a good path as far as it goes! (:
Your doing a lot better on those new banners,I'd just suggest trying to make your smudge lines even smaller.Maybe use the second to last smallest dot or one that just barely brushes the edge of the photo.Your doing great!
Not playing anymore...just popping on to get some art every now and then until my VPC runs out xD.
smudging's hard.Sometimes I just leave it alone and try to erase really well.My snipping thing is weird,when I put the snip on there's a white block around it so I have to erase that XD it's so strange XD But you've come a long way since those other banners I'll probably get some time today to send the contract to you for my banners
Not playing anymore...just popping on to get some art every now and then until my VPC runs out xD.
Not playing anymore...just popping on to get some art every now and then until my VPC runs out xD.
My Kennel
First 8x4's Belgian Laekenois
First 9x4's Belgian Shepards
First 10x4 Australian Silky Terriers
Not playing anymore...just popping on to get some art every now and then until my VPC runs out xD.
Not playing anymore...just popping on to get some art every now and then until my VPC runs out xD.
Not playing anymore...just popping on to get some art every now and then until my VPC runs out xD.
I Keith Urban!
Not playing anymore...just popping on to get some art every now and then until my VPC runs out xD.
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
Dog Lover.../Dog Lover..s Kennel on VP <<< My kennel
Looking for the person who made my siggy
Not playing anymore...just popping on to get some art every now and then until my VPC runs out xD.
Not playing anymore...just popping on to get some art every now and then until my VPC runs out xD.