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edited September 2011 in Vent
Ok so I just asked someone how much it would cost to whelp my dog.......i was expecting them to say like 3k? Which is normal for most breeding kennels...........But NO they replied 20K....20 FREAKING K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow


  • Well everyone can pick their own prices. And when someone offers me a free breeding, I generally send them 10-50k anyway. It's hard for breeding kennels to make money.
  • Yeah but still thats too much just to whelp a dog plain and simple. I was a breeding kennel once. I remember what it is was like to have to make money.
  • The point I'm trying to make is that there is no "too much". It's up to whoever runs the kennel.
  • Every breeder I have talked to only charges 2-6k for whelping. And there's only one person I've seen charge 20k for whelping. Now I personally think there is a thing as too much. It doesn't matter who runs the kennel. Thats a tad riddiculous
  • *facepalm* <br>But it does matter who runs the kennel. Generally, people who have high prices for their services don't get many customers, true. But this could be a good thing. When I didn't like training, my prices were between 120-150k grooming per year. And people called ME ridiculous. Which was fine because I had more time to train for myself, and I still did get customers a few times a day. <br><br>If you paid $25 for a breeding kennel, you raise those prices as high as you want.
  • It's kinda like shopping for a shirt. You can pick up a decent shirt for $30 at WalMart. But if you go to the mall, that same shirt might be priced for $75. Now, I don't know why, but there are people who will pay the extra money, but no one forces them to, just as you aren't forced to use a breeding kennel that you feel is charging too much. I could price my whelping for 1 Million, doesn't mean you can't go hit Jelly up for a 20K breeding, Anastasia for a 3K breeding or you might even choose to use Joe Schmoe who will breed for you for free.<br><br>There's a reason people can charge however much they want for whelping.. So they can charge whatever they want.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • Why is this in the wanted section? xD<br>I love when breeding kennels charge more. They barely make any money. The other day I gave an extra 50k to a breeder who was doing a good job breeding my pairs multiple times and they were only asking for 4-7k to do it. And when breeders tell me their price, I always double it. 7k = 14k. (:<br><br>Everyone can pick and choose their prices, including customers, which is the great thing about VP! :mrgreen:
  • Why is this in the wanted section? xD
    <br><br>My bad! I have no idea why I thought it was in the wanted section lmao. Ignore that! :mrgreen:
  • Hey loooove <3 I have no idea what whelping is buuuut if it has to do with a breeding kennel i have one you could borrow 0.0 you are already sharing my training kennel with me <3 I don't mind pming you and letting you borrow my breeding kennel too =D
  • Garnet wrote:
    Hey loooove <3 I have no idea what whelping is buuuut if it has to do with a breeding kennel i have one you could borrow 0.0 you are already sharing my training kennel with me <3 I don't mind pming you and letting you borrow my breeding kennel too =D
    <br><br>Aww Garney you're so epic <3 I love you. I would very much appreciate it XD
  • Garnet wrote:
    I have no idea what whelping is
    <br>Its when some one leases a dog to a breeder so that the dog delivers the puppies in the breeders kennel so they get a bonus in their stats. It basically is a different word for delivering.<br><br>I would take a high priced breeder any day because they know what they are doing. I just sent a dog to be bred 3+ times (until i got to a strength that i wanted) so that means breed bid/accept breed bid/accept breed bid/accept and then if i wanted more litters i would pay for more and the line would continue. But, no the breeder bred bred bred then wait to accept bids... i wasn't able to stop he until the last litter was 5 months 1 week old -.- lucky for me all they need is a 200/280 to continue my line with and they live to 50. To me the higher the price is usually the better quality one. And i don't find 20k to much because i think breeding prices need to raise so lees people breed dogs.
  • EmmeZoe wrote:
    Garnet wrote:
    I have no idea what whelping is
    <br>Its when some one leases a dog to a breeder so that the dog delivers the puppies in the breeders kennel so they get a bonus in their stats. It basically is a different word for delivering.<br><br>I would take a high priced breeder any day because they know what they are doing. I just sent a dog to be bred 3+ times (until i got to a strength that i wanted) so that means breed bid/accept breed bid/accept breed bid/accept and then if i wanted more litters i would pay for more and the line would continue. But, no the breeder bred bred bred then wait to accept bids... i wasn't able to stop he until the last litter was 5 months 1 week old -.- lucky for me all they need is a 200/280 to continue my line with and they live to 50. To me the higher the price is usually the better quality one. And i don't find 20k to much because i think breeding prices need to raise so lees people breed dogs.
    <br><br>Agreed wholeheartedly. <br>I'm usually wary of cheaper breeders. I've had people keep my pups for about a week before finally messaging me back and accepting my bids, while being active and online that whole week >.<, I've had people randomly decide to keep one of the pups, and when I complained, they'd just age it to hell so I wouldn't want it anymore, I've had them keep my male while turning the female, which is a huge problem because I usually groom my males right up to 12.5.3. So instead of four breedings, they only let me have a chance at one :evil:
  • I disagree.. My breeding is fairly cheap, 5k per pair, and I don't do any of the previously mentioned things. I'm right on top of breeding, accept bids as soon as possible, nor do I age the pups. It's cheap because it is merely any work compared to most of the other kennel specialties, nor is it much of a bother. Takes 2 minutes. Price difference means absolutely nothing to me.
  • breeding kennels have the least amount of income due to people thinking it should be around 5k.... Trainings are 100k-500k rescues get a decent amount of cash as well as boarding. I guess a prestigue kennel doesnt make hardly any money... but Idk I kinda agree breeders should get atleast 10k+ for there services :) even though... its not that big of a deal to whelp; however, boarding kennels dont do any work so... idk its controversal
  • And that's why it's really up to the individual breeder to set their own prices. If you have a problem with those prices, just go to a different breeder. <br><br>And Frost, I didn't mean every cheap breeder. Like I said, when I used people who hardly charged me but did a good job, I always sent a tip. But there are irresponsible breeders out there :/
  • There is a list of recommended trainers, maybe there could be one made of recommended breeders, with their prices on the list? It might help the people who have had bad experiences with breeders to find a better one.
  • Haha, yes, so I have learned. Whenever my kennel isn't available to use for breeding, I have to use other people. You learn from mistakes, though. <br><br>Yeah, I like the idea of a recommended breeder's list.. Whenever people come to me they seem very worried, and we go through 20 questions (not that I blame them..). Which tells me there are quite a few irresponsible breeders out there. Be nice to be able to direct them to a place to find good breeders.
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