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Few showing questions?

edited September 2011 in Questions/Support
Mostly these are out of curiosity, but hopefully you'll be able to help me out! x)<br><br>1. Lets say you put 3 of your own dogs into an event, then you put a dog that is leased to you into that same event- when you return that leased dog back to it's owner, will you be able to enter another dog into that event (such as your own)?<br><br>2. Huge curiosity question.. What determines the order of the dogs when you enter a dog into an event? My dog is sometimes listed first, second, sixth, or even last- but always wondered what determined that?<br><br>3. ABOUT the A/C cap with dogs, does a dog have any more advantage in showing if it's over 250? Or if it's at least 250 then it doesn't matter how much over you are? I have dogs that are 500+ and I was wondering if those dogs would be a dis-vantage then or does it matter? I know the stats should be better, but just was curious if it mattered if my A/C was over 250.<br><br>Shanks for all who reply x)


  • 1) I would not recommend entering more than 4 dogs (leased or not) into any one event. Likewise, if you are leasing dogs out to showers, make sure you only send 4 dogs per event type; I have seen where a player leased out many more dogs and the showers returned the dogs to them and when it came time to run the events there was trouble because that player had entered more than 4 dogs, thus breaking the rule. So, just a warning on that. :)<br><br>2) No idea. I think it's random how dogs appear when they are entered before the event has been run. If another Op has a better answer I would love to hear it! :)<br><br>3) A/C caps at 250 for events. So, no matter how high, the events only factor in up to 250 C/A points. So excessive A/C will not hinder your dogs, nor will it help them. :)
  • So If I'm showing for someone because they leased me a dog(s), then I returned those dogs, I SHOULDN'T enter in those events anymore if I entered up to 4 dogs (that aren't mine)? Or if I return them, can I enter my own 4 dogs?
  • If it's found you've entered more than 4 dogs in an event, you will get into trouble, whether you enter your own dogs or someone else's.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • Okay x) thanks for clearing it up. <br>I'm not even sure how that's possible when the events usually wouldn't even allow you! <br>Thanks again.
  • One moreeee question, ? x)<br><br>What if I had two kennels. One for my own personal showing and one for the public, would that be breaking the rules?
  • Mahgic wrote:
    One moreeee question, ? x)<br><br>What if I had two kennels. One for my own personal showing and one for the public, would that be breaking the rules?
    <br><br><br>That's still considered breaking the rules because it's still the same player entering 8 dogs in one event, different kennel or not. (:
  • Garfieldz is correct. The 4-dog limit is per person, not kennel. So entering from two of your own kennels would still be a rule violation.
  • I have a question/comment about this. If I have three paid for sponsor kennels then I would think that I could enter dogs into one event from all three kennels since they are sponsor kennels and not novice kennels - correct? If not then lol I break the rule all the time.
  • Sponsor or not, it is a 4-Dog max per person. :/ I get in trouble with this all the time. On Accident of course, but yeah....
  • Nacie, you are breaking the rules if you enter more than 4 dogs. Guess you've been lucky to not have been caught so far. ;) It doesn't matter how many accounts you own, be they sponsor or novice, for game play fairness, you may only enter a total of 4 dogs in an event. Entering more than 4 dogs is cheating.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • Well I guess I will not do it any more even though in the beginning of my VP life, I paid real life money for my sponsor kennels to do so. Guess I will also rethink paying for sponsor accounts in the future - it is a shame because I really do like this game. <br><br>Honestly I would think that being able to enter dogs from all sponsor accounts is the privilege of having such an account. <br><br>Sorry if other players do not agree with me - it is just my opinion.
  • So it would be fair for a sponsor, just because they pay real money, to be able to set up events, enter them with only their own dogs and win all the money and fame? I honestly don't think so and as it is not listed as one of the perks for being a sponsor, it shouldn't be expected.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • I have never done that - sorry if others have. However, as a sponsor then yes I feel I shuold be able to use all my accounts. But as I already said, since it has been brought to my attention, I will no longer do so even if I do not agreee with it - it is a rule.
  • This was posted a little over a year ago to explain the rules simply <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">viewtopic.php?f=5&t=70932</a>
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
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