I know I vent a lot about my crappy aunt who thinks everything is abot her. She want everyone to feel sorry for them but she gets everything she want from my grandparents. Once she told us that they were "barely eating". Her children have every toy know to man and thy eat out every other day if not every day!!! Urg.<br><br>So anywho, my mom and younger sisters (Meleah is the older one and Reese is younger) were at my grandma's house with my aunt Merit (moms sister) and moms cousin's wife and kids Alecia, Kayleigh and Kara. Merit and Alecia are just alike so they have decided they are going to become best friends. Alyssa thinks this means that she shouldn't play with Reese anymore so she invites Kayleigh to spend the night and tells Reese "You can't come over because Kayleigh is spending the night and not you." We live in the same driveway as my aunt and grandparents so we see them pretty mch everyday. So I am sitting in my grandma's dining room and Merit and Alecia and Bibi (my grandma) are talking and Bella (Alyssas little sister) comes and says "Mom since Kayleigh is spending the mgr can Reese too?" and Merit says "Um No!" so Bella says "Reese my mom says no!!" and Merit goes "*huff* Well now I'm going to seem like a b•••• and be the bad guy because I dint want a ton of kids at my house!!!" She NEVER let's Reese sleepover and Kayleigh spends the night practically every weekend.<br><br>Now to the next rant. So My sisters were at Bibi's house with Merit, Alecia, my grandparents and alley kids and my mom and I had gone to drop off something at my Nana's when Meleah called and told us what happened while we were gone. Apparently Alyssa said "Guys let's sneak down to my house!" and Kayleigh said "Alyssa thy told us to stay up here" and so Alyssa called Reese and Kayleigh brats. Then Reese said "I'm going to tell a lie and get you in trouble" (which is what Alyssa does to her all the time) and so Alyssa called Reese a "butt". Kayleigh went inside and told her mom what Alyssa called them and Alecia made her sit down inside and not okay wig the other kids. Then Reese came and told Bibi the same thing and of course Merit wanted to know what it was they were whispering about so Bibi told her. Alyssa came in and said thy she never called them that. But Bibi sided wig Reese (Alyssa has a tendancy to lie a lot). Then Merit asks Reese (very meanly) what Alyssa called them and Reese said she called them brats. So Merit goes off screaming about how Bibi called Alyssa a liar by believing Reese that Alyssa called her a butt. So Reese told Bibi that she didn't say that Alyssa called her a butt because she was afraid what Merit would do. So Bibi told Merit THAT too and Merit starts screaming at them all over again abot how they've "lost their minds" and she "can't believe they've called her daughter a liar". So my grandpa says "Merit calm down and tried to explain to her that they should just make the girls apologize to each other. Well Merit starts yelling about how Alyssa is innocent because she "would never use those words". My grandpa told her "Merit I have heard Alyssa call her sister that several times and I've heard you call her that many times!" So Merit runs outside and yells at Bella "YOUR GRANPARENTS HAVE JUST LOST IT!!!" Bella is 6!!! You don't tell a six year old that. So Bella starts crying. Then they start slamming things around and my grandpa tries to calm her down by exposing to her that it doesn't have to be a bug deal and she needs to lower her voice and not talk that mean to children. Well she just drives off. So a few days ago, my uncle brought he girls up to tell Bibi about their first day of school. Merit calls about five minutes later to tell Bibi that "Her children and husband are furious with Bibi but she isnt mad anymore but everyone else won't be talking to her" then she asks for money =P THEN, Uncle Bobby brings the girls up to go swimming (merit still won't speak to Bibi unless she needs money) and he tells her that "he didn't approve of the things my grandpa said to his wife". It needed to be said. She deserved it. He didn't say anything that wasn't the absolute truth. Sorry I just needed to rant about this. There are other hints so if you want to message me I can rant a little more =\ Oh yeah, and we are moving on October 14 to get away from all the drama.
"I feel infinite." -
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
"I feel infinite." -The Perks of Being a Wallflower