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Fishy Questions

Well I have fish, not exsactly my dream fish but more of starter fish. A couple months ago I got a 10 gallon tank and set it up let it run got a couple live plants. let that run for almost 4 day then gt some starter fish, 4 neon tetras 5 glo-light tetras and 2 Catfish like little spotted things idk if they are corys or not i dont think they are but when they sit on rock it kinda looks like they are sitting on their fins. If you did the math of the fish thats 11 fish in my 10 gallon tank. I know the general rule is 1 inch of fish for every gallon of water. So the pet store said that a few fish if not all of them were going to die in a few days. Well days turned into weeks and a few weeks turned into a month.<br><br>My friends mother has a whole bunch of houses that she rents out. My friend found a betta fish in an abandoned house. He was pretty beat up green water and everything, they brought him over and i cleaned his tank and looked at all of the stuff left with him. It looked like there was a fish fighting set up going on i looked at the fish I named Maverick he was missing alot of his tail and had a few scars on what was left of his tail fin. <br><br>So i have Maverick in his tank and the 11 fish in their tank. it has been almost 4 or 5 months now. I still have all the fish. I would love to put Maverick into the 10 Gallon tank but im afraid it would hurt him. Can anyone give me some feed back on this? Any suggestionson what to do? Should I give my friend who has a running empty fishtank some of the Tetras first?


  • Betas are better off on their own, especially if they had been fought in their life.
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • I kept a male beta with other "community" fish for a few years, including neon tetras, danios, silver dollars, angelfish and a plecostomus, so it depends on the fish. I wouldn't see a problem with him being with your other fish, except maybe the catfish (depending on the breed), however, your tank is already overcrowded. The rule is a starting point, nothing more. You have fish that like to swim a lot, tetras are not sedentary and require more room than fish their own size who aren't as active. <br><br>If it were me, I'd honestly think about getting another 10 gallon tank and separating the neon tetras from the glo-lights. The tetras are probably fast and agile enough to stay out of the beta's way and the beta will be big enough that the tetras should leave it alone. Your bottom feeders I have no idea not knowing what exactly they are.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • Meant to say I kept them in a 55 gallon aquarium with the other fish.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • My bettas all stay in their own tanks. In the past I did try a betta in a tank with some "drab" colored community fish and that worked to a point. Like Bama said, it depends on the fish. If it's a really docile-tempered betta he might be alright but if he's anything like my boys, who are very territorial, I wouldn't try it. Particularly if he's already had a trauma in his life, I would avoid mixing up his surroundings and keep him in his own tank. If you were to put him in the community tank, make sure there's plenty of hiding places he can utilize and keep a close eye on the other fish so they don't nip his fins.
  • D: All this talk of fish! Now i want more fish! I had a neon fish that lived for 8 years and the bigger fish picked on hi all the time! D: I noticed they chased him a lot and i figured it was playing but i woke up one morning nd one of his eyes were gone and his fin was all messed up!!! I almost cried! I instantly got him and his "Brother" (another neon) out of that tank and set them one up of their own and put a divider between the two tanks so they couldn't see each other. he lived WAY longer than any other fish i had. I named him lucky, eater, and speedy but kept forgetting his name so i named him Fish in the end -_- lol now this is making me want to break out my old tanks and get new fish =)
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