Thankers! My birthday's in just a couple days, and I've been nagging everyone to bring him out here... They've told me they're coming out on Holloween, so hopefully they bring him with them! And Buddy, don't want him or my mommy to be lonely x)
LOL <br><br>I can see it now. Big Sundowner or whatever horse trailer coming down the road with those morotcycle cops on each side. They stop at your hourse and he struts his stuff down the ramp, sees you and gets all dog-like and starts wagging his tail....I should write kids books,lol
Heck yeah! That best be how he reacts to me! I freaking fed ALL 17 horses when I was out there! MORNING AND NIGHT! With no truck or anything! They ALL best be getting on their knees when they see me!
I Keith Urban!
I Keith Urban!
I Keith Urban!
I Keith Urban!
I Keith Urban!
I Keith Urban!
I Keith Urban!
I Keith Urban!