So in chat the other day, she was talking about how she wanted fish. Which in turn made me want more fish...<br><br>What do I go and do? I picked up my old tank from my parents, that I left behind when I moved out. Is only a small 28l tank, but still enough to hold a lil betta and some companions XD Am thinking some neon tetras. One at the store was with mollies and a guppy.<br><br>Had to stop at the shop to get some crickets for my dragon, so I also picked up a new filter and glass thermometer. I had the paper strip one last time in this tank and it just went mush, useless things they are! And the filter that came with the tank I bought a couple of years ago isn't a great one. <br><br>My current fish also got the long awaited clean out they needed. Tank was going kinda green >.> And I lost my baby molly today
He was homebred. Tempted to pick up another couple of female mollies to breed them again. <br><br>So basically I am in the process of putting together my new tank to leave to cycle for a week, and is all Sandeh's fault
<br><br>I shall add some pictures once I am done, obviously no fish will be present in the newly set up tank >.>
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