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So What If You Don't Like It??

edited September 2011 in Vent
So I watched the ENTIRE Twilight Saga for the millionth time yesterday, (yep, i'm a Twi-Hard), and as I'm watching Eclipse my brother's friend Ryan walks in and is like <span style="font-style:italic">"Wow, really?? Twilight?? Like, how old are you again??"</span> -Now, generally I wouldn't get mad at stupid stuff like this, and it was the same situation this time, because I got to thinking and I decided that I DON'T CARE that you have a bad opinion about the stuff that I like. I DON'T CARE that you think Twilight is for little kids, BECAUSE IT WAS MADE FOR ALL AGES, especially MY AGE!! xD And honestly I could give a dang if you don't like it. I LIKE IT. So what?? Sue me. <br><br>So anywho, this is just my little rant to say that if you like TWILIGHT, go ahead and like Twilight. If you have some sort of weird obsession with HARRY POTTER, you go ahead and love those movies too. If you like JUSTIN BIEBER OR TAYLOR SWIFT (a ton of people tease me because I listen to some of <span style="font-weight:bold">her</span> songs), THEN GO AHEAD AND LIKE THEM. And if you are one of those people walking around insulting others when it's really none of your business what that person fancies, then <span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="font-style:italic"><span style="font-weight:bold">YOU...ARE...ANNOYING</span></span></span>.<br><br>BTW, Ryan isn't allowed in my room according to my brother, so after he insulted me I screamed <span style="font-style:italic">"Ryan's in my room!!", </span>and my brother came flying down the hall to tackle Ryan out of my room in what looked like <span style="font-weight:bold">EDWARD</span> and <span style="font-weight:bold">JACOB</span> fighting. So, <span style="font-size:150">WOO HOO</span>, take <span style="text-decoration:underline">THAT</span> Ryan, I just compared you to a <span style="font-weight:bold">TWILIGHT</span> character you big head!!! xD
Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD


  • I can honestly say that I have never been made fun of or met anyone that has been made fun of or made fun of someone else for reading/watching Harry Potter..
    <span style="font-size: 10pt;">rLHC1jx.gif </span><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;">sophierue.png</span><span style="font-size: small;"> </span></div><div><span style="font-size: small;">oh I swear to ya, I'll be there for ya.
    10.31.10 ❤
  • I was when I was reading the books, but it was only by my cousins. And this kid in my school was called Harry *removed by staff* for weeks because he was always in the library reading the books. It happens.. and it's stupid. xD
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • I don't understand why he'd be called Harry *removed by staff* for that lol.<br>But I see what you mean. My guy cousin who's four years older than me used to always tease me for reading the series, but in the past few years I converted him into an HP fan. It was actually pretty funny, whenever we went to see one of the new movies he'd always sit right next to me and ask me a million questions about what was going on, then pretend to hate Harry Potter around his friends. The last one, we all went to see together and his friends were entranced and asking me a million questions too. <br><br>But Twilight and Justin Bieber get the most teasing I think. I actually feel like the JB slamming should stop a little. Some people are downright brutal with what they say about him.
  • It was because of the addiction he had to the books... *removed by staff*<br><br>Yeah, the whole JB thing is idiotic, he still seems like a little kid to me. My friends would always tease Twilight, and then I got them to read the books and they all came to me asking for more detail on things they might have missed, and on the character's pasts. There have been movies teasing both HP and the TS though, both of those movies are beyond stupid and were not funny AT ALL, even the people that hate the TS and HP couldn't laugh. EPIC FAIL. lol.
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • My main issue with both Justin Bieber and Twilight is that people have blown both way out of proportion. I'm going to admit, I read all of the Twilight books, but the difference between me and most other people is that I read Twilight merely months after it came out, and like the Harry Potter series (I'm also not afraid to admit I'm a die-hard HP fanatic and have been since the Sorcerer's Stone), I had to wait for each book to come out before I could read the next. I actually knew what the series was before it blew up into some worldwide craze. Hell, I even pre-ordered Breaking Dawn and went to a release party. I guess that's why I dislike it so much now though, because the movies were absolutely awful, and anyone that has read the books will know that, but it got so big because of the movies and how 'good' they were. But I've never met a person to read the books and actually like the movies. I'm a strong believer in reading a book before seeing the movie, I refuse to see a movie I haven't read or am in the process of reading. New Moon wasn't ever good to begin with, we all have problems, who wants to read a 400 page novel that consists of chapter upon chapter of a spiraling depression over an undead guy? And let's all admit that Breaking Dawn was not what any of us expected, the Volturi should have shown up kicking ass, and all they did was 'talk it out'. Taylor Lautner can't act to save his life, and neither can Kristen Stewart, and Robert Pattinson was in Harry Potter first, and nobody even knew who he was until Twilight, also, his face is shaped kind of like a foot.<br><br>As for the Biebs, what makes me most upset about him is, if you've ever seen him live, you know he's not very good and he's too busy jumping around on stage doing flips and cartwheels to catch his breath long enough to sing a decent song. Second, he's like 17 and he's singing about girls and how much he loves them, and something about that just irks me. I agree, people are very mean, but if any of you watched the VMA's this week and saw him sitting in the audience while Gaga was talking, he was wearing almost horn-rimmed glasses and some girly suit top that made him look like an old female librarian. My main point being, he can't sing really, his song writing or whoever writes his songs for him sucks, and there are people with real talent that will never get a shot at fame and somehow he did.<br><br>I'm a Harry Potter fanatic, and I will be until the day I die. Eleven years of my life. I've read the books numerous times and I own all the movies. I was the loser dressed up at the premiere of the last one with a group of my friends. And I was the blubbering idiot sobbing at the end because it was all over. No more Harry. But at least I can say for most people, if they've watched the movies, they've also read the books. Which is again my main argument. You get so much out of reading, even fictional pieces like Twilight or Harry Potter, and this generation is too obsessed with a big screen and pretty faces to be bothered to sit down a read a book, preposterous! Books and authors deserve credit before a director or CG artist does, and that's my argument.
    <span style="font-size: 10pt;">rLHC1jx.gif </span><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;">sophierue.png</span><span style="font-size: small;"> </span></div><div><span style="font-size: small;">oh I swear to ya, I'll be there for ya.
    10.31.10 ❤
  • Sea Oats wrote:
    Taylor Lautner can't act to save his life, and neither can Kristen Stewart, and Robert Pattinson was in Harry Potter first, and nobody even knew who he was until Twilight, also, his face is shaped kind of like a foot.
    <br><br>I just have to say, that was beautiful.
  • I did notice that he was in Harry Potter, I liked him before the Twilight movies even came out, and honestly I have no idea how his face would resemble the anatomy of a foot.. I believe that that line was used on an episode of "Family Guy" though, it made me laugh then, even if I still don't get it now. lol xD I like him mainly based on the character's he plays, and because I think that he's a decent actor. I've read all of the Twilight books numerous times and I still like the movies, so do my friends and family, although they do little justice for the books, and yes, compared to the books they do suck. But I love the cast, and I even love the sound track. I guess the whole concept of Forks and rain and mystery just appeal to me, I've always liked the whole look of the movie, if you know what I mean. New Moon was actually the book that led me to discover the whole Twilight Saga, my mother found it and brought it home one day and I read it unaware that there was a first book. And I liked it, I liked it so much I researched it and discovered Twilight for myself. Yes, that book is no where as good as the other books, but still, it got me attracted to the whole series in the first place so it has a place in my heart, I guess you would say. I never really got to reading the rest of the Harry Potter books after book two, the books and movies are AMAZING, I guess I just never got around to it because of my Twilight craze that was happening at the same time. You're right about a lot of things though, Kristen can't act, she studders with every line she says, and Twilight has been blown way out of proportion because of the people in it I suppose. But if I'm going to like Twilight I might as well get used to the quirks of the characters in it. No point in watching a movie that would annoy me. You're also right about the Volturi part, it was unexpected and dissappointing. It also gets me a little mad when someone says they love the movies but when questioned about the books, they have no response because they haven't actually read them. I don't think it's true that if you've read the books you can't like the movies though, I just like the whole style of it all. And about JB, I really have no idea what that kid does when he gets on stage, I don't think I've actually taken the time to watch anything that has to do with him, and I don't plan to.. the sound of his voice is enough to keep me away a good distance. I believe that he got famous through online videos though, people thought he was "cute". ?? And about this generation's obsession with big screens and pretty faces, that's SPOT ON. I haven't gotten into a series of movies without reading the books. The books are the whole point, in my opinion, and if a film can do it justice then that's fantastic, but that's not the whole idea. <br><br>
    Books and authors deserve credit before a director or CG artist does, and that's my argument./quote]<br> - No argument here. xD
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • The Twilight saga and Harry Potter definitely didn't happen at the same time. xD J.K. Rowling took ten years to release all of the books, from 1998 to 2008, when Twilight was spit out back to back 2005 to 2008. I 'got around to' Harry Potter from the very beginning, and there were 7 years between the release of the first HP and Twilight. I never said you couldn't like a movie over a book or like a movie if you haven't read the book, but I'm a nerd and I have an uncanny respect for books and reading, and like you said, if a film does a novel justice, ride on Skippy, but I do believe in reading a book if you're going to watch the movie based off of it. <br><br>And I say his face is shaped like a foot because of the weird curve of his face. xD It doesn't really look exactly like a foot, but if you look closely it resembles the shape.
    <span style="font-size: 10pt;">rLHC1jx.gif </span><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;">sophierue.png</span><span style="font-size: small;"> </span></div><div><span style="font-size: small;">oh I swear to ya, I'll be there for ya.
    10.31.10 ❤
  • I was made fun of all through elementary/middle school for liking Harry Potter. xD; I highly dislike Twilight however, but to each his own. That's the mentality you gotta stick with... though heavens forbid, if I get another person trying to convince me that the Twilight series is <span style="font-style:italic">literary genius</span>, I may have to resort to physical removal of said person.<br><br>My mother in law is OBSESSED with the series.<br>If you're a fan, fine.<br>But please, keep it to yourself. D8 If I don't run around screaming spells, I don't want you to run around going "OMG EDWARD IS SO AWESOME!!111!2"<br><br>See where I'm coming from? xD
  • I'll be honest, I have not read Twilight or Harry Potter series, but I have followed both movies and seen every one. I have not read the books, BUT it is not because I don't want to read, they just are not the kind if genre I tend to read. However, they are the movie genre I like. If that makes sense. I'm more if a realistic fiction, mystery, and suspense (you know, those books that have your heart racing a mile a minute?) kind of person.
  • Kazuko wrote:
    I was made fun of all through elementary/middle school for liking Harry Potter. xD; I highly dislike Twilight however, but to each his own. That's the mentality you gotta stick with... though heavens forbid, if I get another person trying to convince me that the Twilight series is <span style="font-style:italic">literary genius</span>, I may have to resort to physical removal of said person.<br><br>My mother in law is OBSESSED with the series.<br>If you're a fan, fine.<br>But please, keep it to yourself. D8 If I don't run around screaming spells, I don't want you to run around going "OMG EDWARD IS SO AWESOME!!111!2"<br><br>See where I'm coming from? xD
    <br><br>LMAO at the running around screaming spells part. I generally don't have to keep my Twilight obsession to myself, because so many girls in my family like it as well, we sit around and talk about it whenever we feel like. One of my cousins is obsessed with HP, and when she talks about that I try to sit still and listen, although most of the time I have no idea what she's talking about.
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • Sea Oats wrote:
    The Twilight saga and Harry Potter definitely didn't happen at the same time. xD J.K. Rowling took ten years to release all of the books, from 1998 to 2008, when Twilight was spit out back to back 2005 to 2008. I 'got around to' Harry Potter from the very beginning, and there were 7 years between the release of the first HP and Twilight. I never said you couldn't like a movie over a book or like a movie if you haven't read the book, but I'm a nerd and I have an uncanny respect for books and reading, and like you said, if a film does a novel justice, ride on Skippy, but I do believe in reading a book if you're going to watch the movie based off of it. <br><br>And I say his face is shaped like a foot because of the weird curve of his face. xD It doesn't really look exactly like a foot, but if you look closely it resembles the shape.
    <br><br>I never said they happened at the same time. I'am well aware of when Twilight started, I wasn't sure of HP but that's interesting to know. : ) What I said was that <span style="font-weight:bold">MY</span> craze for Twilight was going on at about the same time that I was starting to read Harry Potter. Basically when I picked up the first Harry Potter book, I was reading Twilight and kind of pushed HP out of my spot light to focus on the TS.
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • I am made fun of for being a die hard Harry Potter fan. My friends brother saw my HP book sitting next to me on the floor and he screams "Urg!! Harry Potter get it away!!" but I just rolled my eyes and ignored him. I talk abot HP a lot and most people just have this blank look on their face when I make a comment that has something to do with HP lol. As for Taylor Swift, I know every word of every one of her songs, have all her CDs and can play most of her songs on my guitar. Several people are like "You listen to that crap?! She is so whimsy and annoying how can you listen to that?!" I think she has real talent. Heck, she sings better than me! And I don't think any of them can write their own songs. Twilight...not a big fan. I haven't seen the movies or read the books but if you are obsessed, I'm fine with that. My best friend loves twilight. I loved Robert Pattinson as Cedric Diggory. I was so sad he had to die though :(
    "I feel infinite." -The Perks of Being a Wallflower
  • *whiney lol I hate spell check =P
    "I feel infinite." -The Perks of Being a Wallflower
  • Haha, I <333 brothers!<br>I kinda like twilight, its kinda weird, cause you wouldn't guess I do or anything. But Im not <span style="font-weight:bold">obsessed</span> with it,lol. My friend (40s) is a DIE HARD TWILIGHT FAN! LOL
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • I am made fun of for being a die hard Harry Potter fan. My friends brother saw my HP book sitting next to me on the floor and he screams "Urg!! Harry Potter get it away!!" but I just rolled my eyes and ignored him. I talk abot HP a lot and most people just have this blank look on their face when I make a comment that has something to do with HP lol. As for Taylor Swift, I know every word of every one of her songs, have all her CDs and can play most of her songs on my guitar. Several people are like "You listen to that crap?! She is so whimsy and annoying how can you listen to that?!" I think she has real talent. Heck, she sings better than me! And I don't think any of them can write their own songs. Twilight...not a big fan. I haven't seen the movies or read the books but if you are obsessed, I'm fine with that. My best friend loves twilight. I loved Robert Pattinson as Cedric Diggory. I was so sad he had to die though :(
    <br><br>I only like a few songs from Taylor, and I think I became less of a fan once I saw her preform live... sad to say it wasn't very good and people went so far as to ask for refunds, but those were only the one's with extremely high expectations I'd assume. But when it comes to her song writing she does have talent, they're catchy. I play one or two of her songs on guitar and piano and some people tell me to stop before I even sing because they "can't stand her", when they have never actually listened. My Cousin is absolutely OBSESSED with Taylor, and she can't sing, but damn it when a Taylor song comes on she sure as heck will try! xD <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">My whole point of this thread was that we all like different things, and despite what people say we should continue to be true to who we are and what we love.. and those annoying crap talkers should shut up every once in a while. xD</span>
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • Haha, I <333 brothers!<br>I kinda like twilight, its kinda weird, cause you wouldn't guess I do or anything. But Im not <span style="font-weight:bold">obsessed</span> with it,lol. My friend (40s) is a DIE HARD TWILIGHT FAN! LOL
    <br><br>I referred to myself as a die hard Twilight fan in the beginning... we're called TWI-HARDS. lol..<br><br>I dunno what it is about Twilight, maybe it's the fact that I love Vamps and Weres and I love Forks, all the rain and supposed "bad" weather just appeals to me. I LOVE IT ALL. I love the green forest and the Cullens and even Bella's dad Charlie. Even the villains have a special place with me, TWILIGHT FOREVER!!!!! <br><br>LOL!! xD<br><br><span style="font-size:85">Such a dork I'am</span>
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
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