This is for "salve" showing! 2,500 events I will enter your dog(s) in. It can be one dog, or two dogs, or random switching it up dogs- but each event I enter your dog will count toward the 2,500. I don't keep refs, and who knows if this will have any interest, but there are some people around here who may remember me X)<br><br><br><span style="font-size:150">Tid bits;</span><br><br><ul class="bb-list-unordered"><li class="bb-listitem">I will keep track of how many events are completed and you also can as well if you're worried if I will be dishonest [no hard feelings I swear x)] and you can keep track of that by counting how many events in each dog I'm showing for you.[/*]<br></li><br><li class="bb-listitem">I will request at least half the payment before I start eventing if you do not wish to pay the full price until completed. [/*]<br></li><br><li class="bb-listitem">I will complete the dog in the events you wish for and then return the dog back to you. Meaning, this requires a lot of attention on re-making contracts over and over to myself so you may collect fame. <br><span style="font-style:italic"><span style="font-size:85">Please note I hurry as fast as I can so I don't collect "your" fame, but it cannot be helped if some events run just as I enter your dog. If this is the case, then there's no way for me to give you "your" fame back. </span></span>[/*]</li><br><li class="bb-listitem">If re-making contracts doesn't work for you, I can "own" the dog until all the events are completed, then you can re"own" the dog. But you will not recieve any fame this way.<br><span style="font-style:italic"><span style="font-size:85">Please note If I do own the dog, the dog will be kept in boarding and groomed/RHd/PF each turn- or whatever you wish.</span></span>[/*]<br></li><br><li class="bb-listitem">If you happen to decide you don't want me to show for you anymore and wish to terminate this "contract", then I will either pay you what I owe you or you will need to pay me what you owe me (depending on our money agreement). [/*]<br></li><br><li class="bb-listitem">Any other questions, please feel free to ask. [/*]</li><br></ul><br><br><span style="font-size:150">SB: 500K<br>HB: Will not be updated on this post, just from my posts following this.<br>Reserve: There is a reserve (hidden), but will not be updated on this post- just from my posts following this.<br>MBI: 50K<br>BIN: A toasy high of 6 MIL</span><br><br>Merry bidding!
