Hi there, I've just started playing virtualpups and I would like someone that I can ask questions and hopefully get answers from. If you are willing to help me please please please send me a PM. Thank you!
Hi! I'm Emme (or Em or Em N Em) and you can ask me anytime for help . The best to ask questions though would probably be here because then you can get multiple answers.
Welcome to VP(:<br>Some things might take getting used to, but you'll find yourselves as addicted as we all are very soon, I promise you that :P <br><br>You can always PM me as well as post any questions here on the forums. We'll all gladly help out.
<span style="font-size:85">Just about anyone on the forums are more than willing and able to help. A lot of the old-timers hang around here 24/7(*cough* like me *cough*) just waiting to be asked a question about game play and whatnot. <br>Ask away!<br><br>Oh! And welcome to VP!</span>
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t