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Who is up for a VP clean-up? =)

I've done one before and would love to do one again except I'd change the rules a bit to help make the clean-up a little more efficient!<br><br>Every two days, the "breed of choice" would change. During those two days, you'd have to go around buying cheap dogs of that breed and release/retire them (neuter them before if you'd like to make a profit). Example: "Breed of choice" would be: Border Collie. Everyone participating would go around and clean up all the Border Collies for two to three days (the more populated the breed is, the more days might be required to do the clean up) until a new breed is of choice.<br><br>Anyone confused?<br><br>I'd make it into a contest but I just don't feel like splitting up prizes/points/donations/etc. and would find it hard to even track how many dogs one player has cleaned up. If people would be willing to do it, prize-free, and out of pure determination (xD), that'd be great. =D<br><br>Keep in mind, this probably wouldn't profit you much at all. In most cases, you'd lose money from buying the dogs if you're not going for the $250 to $500 cheap ones.<br><br>I'd just like to see how many people have some interest in this and maybe I'll set up a post for it.


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